Part 38

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I opened my eyes and saw Stella curled up on me. The blanket was thrown off somewhere in the room, definitely not on the bed. She was peacefully lying on top of me, her head aligned with my chest. My hands were wrapped around her bare waist, her shirt pooling around her chest. Our legs were intertwined with eachother's and she felt so warm next to me. She breathed very softly, and her eyes were feather shut. Her long hair were definitely making a mess all over the both of us.

I want nothing else but this.

The last thing I remember from yesterday was coming back from downstairs and finding Stella already asleep. I think I slept on my side only, but here I am which makes it clear that we both ended up cuddling with eachother.

Not to forget, this is because she's asleep. The moment she wakes up, there actually might be a simple distance between both of us, physical or mental.

I lift her very softly, and slide her carefully to her side without waking her up. She grunts a bit in sleep but eventually passes out because she must be very tired. I didn't really felt like getting up but I knew that I had to.

I sat over the edge of the bed, my feet touching the oak floor while my mind was wandering all over the place.

I decided to push all the thoughts at the back of my head and stop thinking about it if I want to make things easier.

I go downstairs in the common washroom of this place, very clearly I could see that everyone else was still sleeping. I brushed my teeth and freshened up a little bit. After that, I went into the kitchen to have a little something before going to workout. I also prepared my protein shake and walked towards the gym.

I exercised for about an hour in there with music and eventually was done.
I could hear voices which meant someone else woke up by that time. I went outside the gym and saw Louis was the one who was up.

He had bags under his eyes, lowers on, no shirt, hair all over the place because of sleep.

"Hey." I say to grab his attention.

"Mornin' mate." He replies while continuing to make something in the kitchen.

"What are you doing?"

"I think you forgot that we have to make breakfast on our own here. Even lunch and dinner for that matter."

"Well that's something only you can do." I chuckle, making him laugh as well.

I walk back to my own room to grab my towel to get in the shower.

The next moment, I already bathed and tied the towel around my waist and hips. The moment I stood in front of the mirror, running fingers through my wet hair, the door opened and there stood Stella.

She was definitely having the most disappointed look in her eyes. Her hair was messy, and she was in her same clothes from yesterday.

"I'm so sorry, I-I didn't mean to. Louis said that the washroom is this way. I'm so stupid I should've knocked, I'm very sorry I-"

"No wait, it's my fault. I didn't lock it so you don't have to be sorry." I cut her in between.

"Y-yeah, no. I'll just leave." She says before turning around but I stop her.

"Hey no, you stay. I was just leaving."

I can see that she's still feeling confused and awkward as fuck. I can see it on her face.

"Oh o-okay." She nods.

I walk past her thinking about all the wrong that happened between us both. She broke my thoughts in and said, "Harry?"

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