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Things were a little awkward after that day. The three hung out as if nothing had happened, and nobody brought up the kiss.

It had been a week and still nothing had been said. Nate and Rebekah were walking to the record store and ran out of things to say.

Rebekah's hear was pounding. She took a deep breath and said what had been on her mind.

"So. Are we just going to pretend you never kissed me?"

"Oh. Um, sorry about that." Nate looked anywhere but at her.

"Why? I like you, Nate."

Finally he looked at her. "Really? Well, do you want to be my girlfriend then?"

"Yeah, definitely." She smiled at him, and he hesitantly grabbed her hand.

They didn't say much as they kept walking. Rebekah couldn't believe how perfect their hands seemed to fit together. It was almost as if their only purpose was to hold his hand.


"Rebekah, you're never gonna believe what happened!" They had been dating for a month not, and had also written many new songs. They were now in Rebekah's living room.


He was bouncing around like he usually did when he was excited. "I got us a gig!"

Her eyes got wide. "No way! When and where?"

"That one bar that always has live music, this Friday."

"Holy shit! That place is packed on Fridays!"

"I know! This is going to be awesome!"

They hugged each other excitedly. This would be their first live performance.


It was Friday night, ten minutes until they went on stage. Rebekah was pacing around nervously. No matter what she tried, she couldn't get her heart to quit pounding.

"Babe, calm down. It's gonna be fine." Nate was sitting in a chair watching her.

"I know, I know, I'm just nervous."

He walked over and kissed her. "Don't be. I'll be out there too, and we'll be awesome." His touch calmed her down a bit.

Finally it was their turn to go on stage. She took a deep breath and walked out. She couldn't believe how many people there were. Of course most of them were drunk and weren't paying attention, but it was still a lot of people.

She walked up to her mic. "Hey guys. I'm Rebekah and this is Nate."

She was still nervous, but the second they started playing it all melted away. They continued to play, and more and more people were listening and really getting into the music. As they finished up their last song, Rebekah looked out into the crowd and saw Jack and Rachel in the back. She smiled, and couldn't believe how great her life had become.

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