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By that summer, most everyone had forgotten Rebekah had ever been in the hospital. But Rachel wasn't about to forget any time soon. She spent a lot of time at the library researching anorexia, and closely monitored what Rebekah ate.

Most days she was fine, but there were a few times when Rachel caught Rebekah throwing her food away or giving it to the dog.

"Rebekah, you have to eat." Rachel would urge.

"I do eat, Rachel. I'm just not hungry right now."

Rachel would sigh and make a mental note to make her a larger serving at the next meal. She wondered if she would have to monitor Rebekah for the rest of their lives, or if she would ever learn to eat when her body told her to even if her mind said no.

The summer was full of music, movies, and memories. Rachel would be going off to college when school started, so she made sure to spend all her free time with Rebekah, Jack, and Nate. They were having the summer of their lives, but deep down they all knew this school year would be the beginning of big changes.

Nate and Rebekah played live almost every Friday night, and sometimes more during the week. Jack's band was getting recognition as well, and their two bands would often play live together.

This was the summer Jack got a girlfriend named Alexa, the summer Nate told Rebekah "I love you" for the first time, and the summer Rebekah realized she wanted to spend the rest of her life in his arms.

Rebekah liked Alexa a lot. She was sweet, and Rebekah could tell she really liked Jack. She was shorter than the rest of them, but made up for it with her long brown hair. It wasn't long until she became Rebekah's best girl friend.

This was also the summer Rebekah was able to restrict her eating without anyone noticing, until her weight loss was obvious.

Her and Nate were in his room one day kissing. He broke away from their kiss and looked into her eyes. "I love you." He said, almost too low for her to hear.

Shocked, Rebekah stared at him. Neither of them had said the L-word until now. It was quiet for a few seconds as they just stared into each other's eyes.

"I'm sorry." Nate said finally, looking down.

"No, don't." She put her hand behind his neck, pulling him towards her until their noses were touching. "I love you, too." She said finally.

He smiled and leaned in to resume their kissing. Except now, with those three words having been spoken, the kisses were more passionate, more heated.

Nate put his hand on her butt, forcing her closer to him. His hands traveled up her back and under her shirt. They rested there for a moment before he pulled them around to her stomach.

She flinched. "Your hands are so cold." He could feel her smiling in their kiss.

"But your skin is so soft." He continued to move his hands around. "You're so skinny. You've been eating, right?"

She pulled away. "Of course I have."

"Are you sure? You've lost a lost of weight this summer."

"I'm sure, Nate."

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