Chapter 1

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"Hey guys. Has anyone seen Zuko?" Sokka asked "Nope." "Sorry, no." "Last time I saw him he was heading to bed," Said Toph "Doing tell me he's still in bed." Moaned Sokka.

Then he went into the back of the cave to try and find Zuko "Zuko? Babe? You her-" He was cut off by a hacking cough. Sokka immediately ran over to it and was shocked to see the crumpled heap of his boyfriend on the floor looking paler than usual.

"Zuko!" He cried out, running over to the weak prince "S-Sokka?" Zuko croaked out "Zuko, babe are you alright? What's the matter?" Sokka asked clearly worries for his mate.

"I-I'm f-fine." He stuttered "No, you're not." Sokka sighed before getting his boyfriend to lie down "Stay there I'm gonna go get Katara." He said before rushing off to get his sister.

The water tribe boy came crashing into the front of the cave with a worried expression on his face. "Sokka? What's wrong?" She asked. Sokka waited until he'd caught his breath before answering her.

"Its Zuko, something's wrong with him." He replied. They both ran into the back of the cave towards where Zuko was. When they got there Katara was shocked at how weak and pale Zuko looked.

She gasped and dropped onto his hands and knees immediately, getting some of her bending water out of the pouch and letting it coat her hands and start glowing. She put her hands on his temple, healing him.

After a minute she took her hands off and sighed in relief looking a bit worn out. "Is he alright Katara?" Sokka asked with worry evident in his voice.

"Yep, I've brought his fever down and he should be far better if he gets lots of rest." Katara told him. Sokka gave her a nod of agreement before his face twisted into his frown.

"But Katara, I've been wondering why is Zuko suddenly sick?"He asked "I mean he seemed perfectly fine yesterday." Now it was Katara's turn to frown "You know what? You're right I'll take another look."

She moved her hands up and down Zuko's body before stopping at his stomach and turning her head to face her brother looking very unpleased with her brother "Sokka. What exactly did you ask Zuko do last night?" She asked.

At that Sokka turned very red and went completely silent except for a little murmur that escaped his lips "We might have gotten a little carried away." Katara sighed at her brother's latest antics.

"Whatever, but I think we have a problem." She said looking back at Zuko's unmoving figure. "You don't think....?" Sokka asked not really wanting to know the answer.

"I think so."

"No. You must have just felt his stomach moving or something."

"Okay but I don't think so."

She raised her eyebrow at her brother's stupidity

"Okay but I don't think so."

"Look let's just get him to visit a healer or something. Okay?"

"Okay. But what about Zuko and Aang and Toph? What do we tell them?"

"Let's keep it a secret until we know for sure. Alright?"


"Good, now, let's go back. They'll be wondering where we are."


They headed back to the others to find both of them waiting, anxious for their friends to get back. "Guys! What's wrong with Zuko?!" Aang asked anxiously "Yeah! Why's sparky's heartbeat going through the roof?!" Agreed Toph, trying to put on a tough front. "Woah, okay guys, calm down." Sokka assured them "Zuko's fine. He just had a fever and was burning up. He's fine now." Katara continued for Sokka. "And no one bother him. Zuko needs rest and he can't do that with you three coming in all the time to try, and getting him to do things with you." She added whilst sending a pointed glare at Sokka. "Looking at you Sokka." He blushed and Toph looked very suspicious about them.

"Okay then, anyway, what about breakfast? I'm starviiing!" Sokka whined "Oh, right, yeah I forgot. Just a sec!" Katara called, running over to the pot.

Whilst Katara was making breakfast the others came up with a plan for Zuko's fever. They would take turns to watch over him whilst he slept and switch every 3 hours.

Sokka will obviously takes first watch since in was his boyfriend. So Sokka went off to where their resident firebender was sleeping. When he got there he sat down next to the prince's sleeping form and watched the rise and fall of his chest.

An hour later, Zuko woke up groggily and found his boyfriend sitting next to him and tried to remember what had happened. It all came back to him in a matter of minutes.

"S-Sokka?" He croaked out and the water tribe boy's face lit up at the sound of his voice "Zuko! You're awake! Wait do you remember what happened?" He asked "Mostly." He replied.

"Ok that's good. How do you feel?" Sokka asked, concerned "Fine." Zuko said before letting out a muffled groan. Sokka raised an eyebrow at him.

"You don't have to hide your pain from me y'know," He told him. The prince sighed leaning back, Sokka rolled his eyes and then kissed his boyfriend passionately on the lips. Zuko kissed back.

They stayed like that for a few more moments before pulling away and smiling back at each other. After that Zuko fell asleep in his boyfriend's arms and Sokka wondered if Zuko being pregnant was so bad after all.

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