New friends

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Sage and I wake up at 6am and start getting ready to head to the JYP building. After getting ready Sage speaks up, "Aren't we meeting the other trainees today?" I think about it first "Yeah I guess we are hopefully they are nice." I say. "I hope they are too." Sage says. Little did we know a couple wouldn't be.

~Time skip brought to you by RM'S expensive girl~

"My name is Kim Soo-ah and it's nice to meet everyone." she says with the fakest smile. "Is it just me or does her smile look fake?" Sage asks me. "Not just you." I say back. "Park Hye-rim is my name." says the girl next to Soo-ah with an equally fake smile. "Hey guys I'm Yoon Ji-a please take care of me." says a really pretty girl with sweet eyes. I then wave at her and she smiles and waves back. "Ji-a seems pretty nice." I say to Sage.

"Yeah she does." she says back. "Hi I'm Kim Da-yeon nice to meet you guys." says another pretty girl with a sincere smile. I also wave to her and she smiles and waves back. Sage then introduces herself, "Hi I'm Park Sage and it's nice to meet you guys." she says cutely. I guess it's my turn now... curse whoever created introductions. "Hello I'm Lee Y/n but you can call me Honey and it's nice to meet everyone." I say with confidence.

"Wait aren't you the girl who spoke to my Chan chan oppa?" Soo-ah asks with a nasty glare. "Um yes I did speak to Chan." I say unbothered. She then starts to walk up to me. I stand there very nonchalant. "Listen here Lee stay away from my oppa got it?" she threatens. "Sure no problem." I say not caring, what does she think this is a wattpad? "Good because I wasn't asking." she says laughing with Hye-rim.

"It sounded like a question to me but whatever floats your boat sweetheart." I say smiling and walking away. Right before she can make a snarky remark JYP walks in. "Hi girls I hope everyone has had a good day." he says. "Ne Seosaengnim!" we all say in sync. "Good I came here to give you girls your schedules and tell you a couple things." he says to us. He then hands out our schedules. "What I wanted to tell you girls is that the people you see around you may be the people you debut with." he says.

We then look at each other in shock and look back to JYP. "I also wanted to say that our trainee dorms only fit 4 people so 2 with have to room with another group." he says."Seosaengnim?" Soo-ah says and raises her hand. "Yes Ms.Soo-ah what's your question?" he says. "Oh I was just going to say me and Hye-rim don't mind rooming with another group." she says. "Oh ok um does anyone object to that?" JYP ask.

The rest of us then shake our heads and give a thumbs up. "Ok well now that we have our dorm arrangements, today is just a day to get to know your way around the building and the others in it so enjoy your day." he says with a thumbs up and then walks out. When JYP leaves Soo-ah and Hye-rim start talking about Chan and Felix... again. "Lets go find our oppa's." Soo-ah says. Hye-rim nods and they rush out of the room. "Sigh I better text Chan and warn him." I say.

" I say

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I finish texting Chan and put my phone away

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I finish texting Chan and put my phone away. "Hey Sage we should go talk to Ji-a and Da-yeon now." I say to her. She nods her head and we walk over to the 2 girls. "Hi guys looks like we're roommates now." I say and smile at them. "Yup I actually really wanted to be roommates with you guys." says Ji-a. "Me too you guys seem like fun." Da-yeon says. "Thanks guys and by the way you girls are super pretty!" Sage says.

"I agree and you both also seem like a lot of fun!" I say back. "Thank you, you guys are too." they say together. "How old are you 2 if you don't mind us asking?" Da-yeon asks. "Oh no you're completely fine I'm 21." I say back smiling. "And I'm 20." Sage says back. "Ahh you guys are our unnie's." Ji-a says. "Oh really how old are you girls?" Sage asks. "Well I'm 19." Ji-says. "And I'm 18 turning 19 in 2 months." Da-yeon says. "Wow I'm a unnie now." Sage says wiping a fake tear. We all laugh at her act and she joins in.

~Time skip brought to you by Deja vu Yeosang~

After exploring most of the building with Ji-a and Da-yeon, Sage and I head home to pack our things. Once we finish packing our things we take showers and put outfits on for our hang out with Chan and the boys. "Make sure you look cute!" Sage yells. "I always do!" I yell back.

~Y/n /Honey's outfit~

~Y/n /Honey's outfit~

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~Sage's outfit~

~Sage's outfit~

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"Cute Spice." I say to her. "You too Bee." she says back. Once we finished getting ready we put our shoes on and leave to go meet up with the boys. "This is going to be interesting." Sage says. I nod my head and we walk towards the address Chan sent me.

I can't believe this is happening.

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