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Y/n Pov

I woke up just like any other day, except this time there was a text from my mom. I then squinted while trying to read the text. "Huh?... EOMMA'S HERE!!" I shout waking my members. "Unnie what's going on?" Da-yeon asks half awake. "My mom just landed I have to tell oppa!" I say excitedly running to the door. "You're going out like that?" Ji-a asks sleepily. I then start to wave her off. "Yah at least brush your teeth, what if you run into Changbin." Sage says half asleep laughing.

I then pause and think about it.... yeah she's right. I nod and go brush my teeth, while I'm at it I might as well get ready a bit. After getting at least the smallest bit presentable. "This should do... now I need to go to oppa right now." I said excitedly. "That's what you're wearing?" Sage asks. "Yeah, what's wrong with my outfit?" I say looking at myself. "Nothing it's just been awhile since we dressed casually." she says giving me a thumbs up. I smile and then wave at the girls before walking... well running out of the door.

I then text oppa and ask him where his is. I know he's up he always gets up at this time, 5:00 am I have no idea why he gets up at this time to this day. Anyways he finally texted back and told me that he's in the cafeteria. I get to the cafeteria and see him sitting down writing. "Hi oppa!" I say excitedly waving at him. "Hi Y/n why are you up so early." he says laughing at my excited face. "I got a text." I say running up to him. "Ok what did the text say sweet?" he says chuckling while grabbing my hands.

(A/N: Sweet is a nickname Minho gave you when you 2 were kids only he calls you that.)

"Eomma landed today and she wants to meet with us!" I say squeezing his hands. "Wait really she did?! How come she didn't text me?" he says looking offended. "You got a new phone and new number genius." I say flicking his head. "Ahh right, well let's go meet her then!" he says about to run off. Sometimes I really do forget who the older sibling is. "Yahh we have to ask JYP first, how do I know this and you've been at this company longer?" I say shaking my head. He looks back and walks up to me.

"One I'm still older than you and two I forgot. Now let's go I want to see eomma it's been too long!" he says dragging me to JYP's office. "Aish oppa I can walk!" I say swatting at his hand. "Then walk faster." he says letting go of my hand and speeding off. Does he not realize it's 5:00 am... I'm still tired. I groan and then speed up to try and catch up with him. We reach JYP's office and Minho practically knocks a hundred times. "Come in." we hear JYP say. "Move pabo!" I whisper yell at Minho and walk in the door. I hear him mumble something behind me.

"Oh Hi Y/n, Minho what brings you 2 here?" JYP asks when he sees us. We bow out of respect and then I speak up. "We had a question to ask you." I say to him. "If it's about you 2 dating I think it's a bit to early, you haven't even debuted yet Y/n." he says with a serious look on his face. "Ani ani it's nothing like that!" Minho exclaims. "Yeah and Minho oppa is my brother." I say back.  "You 2 are siblings?" he asks a bit surprised. "Yes Minho is my older brother." I say chuckling a bit. "Ah sorry for the misunderstanding." he says chuckling as well.

"It's fine it happens all the time." Minho says laughing. "Well what was the question you 2 wanted to ask me." he says with a smile. I look at Minho with a smile and then start talking. "Well our mom just landed today and we wanted to know if we could go and see her at her new house." I say a little nervous. "Oh your mom landed of course you guys can go see her, Minho just make sure you let your manager know and Y/n just be careful ok." he says to us with a smile. "NE!" Minho and I say while bowing over and over as a thank you.

"You guys are welcome now get out of here, don't want to keep your mom waiting do you?" he says with a cheeky smile. Minho and I thank him once again and speed out of his office. "Ok game plan, I go tell my manager about going to see eomma and get changed." Minho says to me. "Mhm and I will go tell the girls and change too." I say determined. "Alright meet back in 10 minutes?" he asks me. I nod my head and we both run off in different directions. As I make it back to me and the girls dorm I see someone standing in front of the door.

I get closer only to see... Yugyeom standing at the door. I'm sorry wait.... YUGYEOM IS STANDING AT THE DOOR?!! "Um hi can I help you?" I ask as I approach him. "Ah ne are you Y/n?" he asks while looking at me. "Yes that's me?" I say as more of a question then a statement. "Oh I came here because I heard you were an ace when it came to rapping and dancing." he says smiling down at me. "Really me?" I say genuinely confused as to where that came from. "Yeah, so I just came by to ask if you could help me with a few things ." he says scratching his neck.

(A/N : Pretend got7 is still with JYP :D)

"Um yeah sure no proble-" I say before getting cut off by my phone buzzing. I check my phone to see a text from Minho. "Yah we agreed on 10 minuets and it's already been 14. You have 5 minuets before I leave you." the text reads. Have I really been talking for that long? "Aish um can we talk about this later today I kind of have somewhere to be." I say to him apologetically. "Yeah no problem I'll see you later." he says with a wave before walking off. I wave back at him and rush into the dorm.

 "Hi guys my mom just landed and me and oppa are going to go see her, so I won't be here for a little, yes I asked JYP and yes I will text you when I get there safely. Bye love you see you later!" I ramble as I change my clothes and rush right back out of the dorm. "Did anyone catch any of that?" Ji-a asks confused. "I heard mom and text when safe soo I guess we will get a text when she's safe with her mom." Sage says calmly while shrugging. "Wah unnie I envy listening that well." Da-yeon says looking at her dreamily. They then all laugh at each other as they continue to get ready.

I rush down to the cafeteria only to see it empty. "Aish did he actually leave me.. that's just cruel." I say upset as I tilt my head and grab my phone. As I go to text this evil man I call my brother I see him calmly walking down the hallway. He looks up and sees me only to say. "Wow I didn't think my threat would actually work... daebak." he says looking at me surprised. "What do you mean I didn't think my threat would work?" I ask visibly irritated. "have you checked the time, it's only been like 7 minuets." he says laughing. 

"YAH you mean to tell me I ran to get ready and left Yugyeom hanging because you RUSHED ME?!" I yell at him. "Um.. yes?" he says back confused. I then go to hit him only to think of him telling mom when we get there. "Breathe Y/n it's not your fault he's an idiot." I say with my eyes closed trying to calm down. "Yah who are you calling an idiot!" he yells offended. "You, now unless you actually want me to hit you I suggest we get going." I say with an overly sweet smile on my face. "I'm pretty sure the car is already waiting outside we should get going shouldn't we." he says smiling nervously.

Minho Pov

She smiled at me with the same smile she used when I broke her doll. Let's just say... that didn't end too pretty for me. "Sure we shouldn't leave eomma waiting." she says going back to her normal smile. I shiver on the inside and nod my head as we walk towards the car. I know I'm her brother but sometimes I forget the duality this girl has. We then get into the car and she immediately plugs her phone into the aux. "Aish please don't play ring ding dong." I say whining at her. "I was going to play surfin' but that's a much better idea!" she says as she turns on Shinee instead.

 I whine and fall back into my seat. "I really should have kept my mouth closed." I say as she sings the song at the top of her lungs. "BABBBBBYYY!" she sings.. more like yells. This is going to be a long ride.

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