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Y/N Pov

After everyone's schedule we all meet up in the parking garage. I look around until I spot Chan and walk over to him. "Channie do you know how we're getting.... wherever we're going?" I ask him. He looks up from his phone and smiles at me before answering me. "Hey jagiya, and no I actually don't know anything." he says honestly. I put my hand on my chin and hum. "That's unlike you." I say teasingly. Chan smiles and squints his eyes at me.

"Watch yourself Y/n we live together now." he says smirking. I widen my eyes remembering and bow. "Sorry Sir Christopher!" I say making a few giggle. Chan shakes his head and chuckles. "You're a handful huh?" he asks jokingly. "Yes. Yes she is." Minho butts in. I glare at him and stick my tongue out before he glares back. "Okayyy sibling tension." Han says walking me away from Minho. Everyone laughs and we see a giant bus pull up.

"AWW COOL!!" Da-yeon says jumping up and down. I smile at her and look back at the bus. "Guess this is our ride." Jeongin says. The bus comes to a stop and our mangers step out of the bus. "Unnie?" I say surprised. "Hyung?" Changbin says at the same time. They both chuckle and walk towards us. "Who'd you think pick you guys up?" Unnie asks teasingly. I chuckle and roll my eyes while Sage speaks up. "So where is the new house?" Sage asks curiously.

"Get in you'll see it's about 30 minutes away." Unnie says to us. We all pick our bags back up and walk towards the bus. "I'm sitting next to Honey!" Changbin says throwing his arm over my shoulder. "Hey But I-" Felix says before getting cut off. "Too late she's mine." he says walking us towards the bus. I blush a little but still laugh. "Possessive much." I say laughing. Changbin smirks and laughs himself. "Nope I just know what I want." he says looking me in the eyes.

My breath gets caught in my throat and I feel my face warm up. He chuckles and pushes me on the bus first. "It's 1-1 now." he says confidently. I roll my eyes with a smile and we find our seats. The girls are each sitting next to a boy. Sage with Hyunjin and Chan at the back, Ji-A is next to Han, while Da- yeon is next to Jeongin, and lastly Seungmin and Felix sat together. While on the way there I end up closing my eyes at some point falling asleep.

"Hey Y/n we're here." I hear softly in my ear. I slowly sit up and stretch my arms before I freeze. I look my left and see Changbin smiling warmly at me. I feel my face heat up instantly and I look away. "I fell asleep on your shoulder didn't I?" I ask clearly embarrassed. Changbin nods with a light chuckle and I facepalm. "Hurry and get off before my face melts." I say still embarrassed. Laughing Changbin stands up and we all make our way off the bus.

We see the house and let me just say.... ITS AMAZING! "This is where we're living?!" Sage asks in awe of the house. "Yup this is it." Unnie says proudly. Still in shock I stare at the house soaking it all in. Felix comes to stand next to me putting me in the middle of him and Changbin."This... is so cool!" I say excitedly.

Little did I know, while I was admiring the house I had two pair of eyes admiring me

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Little did I know, while I was admiring the house I had two pair of eyes admiring me. I turn to my right and excitedly grab Felix's arm. "Isn't this awesome Lix?!" I say with a giant smile. I see Felix brightly smile and then scoop me up spinning me around. "Super let's get inside!" he says putting me down. I giggle and he grabs his bags walking inside. I go to grab my bags and see Changbin isn't moving. I grab his hand gently snapping him out of his daze.

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