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Shouta almost passed out when he heard that Keigo was going to be a TA.

Now, here he was on his 3rd glass of wine, sitting at the Midoriya family kitchen table with Eli, her brothers, and sister along with his husband, Hizashi, Keigo, Fuyumi, and Natsuo. 

It was a family dinner, one that Fuyumi planned along with Eli to not only spend time with Shoto and everyone else but to soothe her inner traumatized child. 

Not that Fuyumi understood that last part, but it was obvious that everyone else did. And by everyone else, I probably mean just me (the author).

"I will blow you to hell, keeping talking Lady!" Katsuki said as he glared at Himiko.

Himiko pointed her knife at him.

"Let's go Kit Kat," Himiko glared at him.

"Kacchan, she'll probably gouge your eye out if you don't stop," Izuku said as he ate his ramen, Shoto sitting beside him as he ate his soba and watched in buzzing content as they argued around him.

"How come no one is ever on my side when it comes to this shit?!" Katsuki raged. Himiko and he did this shit all the time, timeless and incessant arguing about shit neither of them truly cared about. It was kind of their way of bonding, kind of. 

"I know this is weird, but I'm on your side this time," Hitoshi, who also didn't really care but enjoyed chaos, said raising his hand as he nodded.

"The betrayal!" Himiko said, now pointing her knife at Hitoshi, watching in faux rage as they gave her deadpanned looks. She pouted as she sat down with a huff, putting the knife on the table before Eli came and took it. 

"He's right Himi, putting sugar in rice is simply unethical," Hitoshi said blandly.

"It goes against nature!" Katsuki said with hard eyes.

"You go against nature!" Himiko shouted back before wearing a pout as she ate her own food. 

"Or does nature go against Katsuki," Shoto pondered aloud, making Hitoshi deadpan.

"Ha, freak," Izuku taunted playfully with his tongue out.

Eli chuckled at that.

"So, how was your week?" Eli asked Fuyumi who smiled at her warmly. Fuyumi was always so happy to go to these little family dinners. 

Truth be told, Fuyumi had tried to do stuff like this all the time, but Shoto was always training, and no amount of begging would make her father let up. Not to mention when she wasn't grasping onto the tiny shreds of her happy(?) family she was typically consoling her borderline hysteric mother in the night after Endeavour was in a particular mood. 

"Awww, look at that inner child healing," Natsuo teased, earning an intense glare from the considerably smaller, although older sibling. 

"Are elementary kids easier to deal with?" Shouta asked, shooting a look at the argument going on between the teenagers at the end of the table.

You would think that with Shouta literally being their fucking teacher, they would act accordingly, but considering the fact that they'd literally seen him in a fluffy pink headband and in pajamas in THEIR house, all of that kind of just goes out the window. 

Though this irked him just a bit, he did like that they were so carefree all things considered. He was especially delighted to see Shoto getting along so well with all the others, he even chuckled a bit at seeing the mischievousness that Hitoshi had been hiding from school out on display in his home. 

And so the 2 teachers began talking about their work. They got along strangely well, and despite the fact that their personality's clashed like SUVs on the 405, they unexpectedly related to each other on a deeper level.

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