Chapter 1

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Chapter Song: Never Really Over - Katy Perry

"It's over Ana," Brad said as he slammed his locker shut and walked away. To be completely honest this was not how I was assuming the first day of school was going to go. Everyone was staring at me obviously loving the situation I was just put into. I would definitely not be hearing the end of this for a while but I guess that's just how school drama works. The warning bell rings for first period so I grab my things and awkwardly start walking to science class. 

As soon as I walk into the classroom I see Peter and I rush to sit next to him. He doesn't see me at first due to being completely distracted by his computer. I quickly sit down next to him and get my computer and note pages out. "Is that the spiderman guy everyone is obsessing over on YouTube?" I ask him motioning to his computer. He shuts it quickly and turns to me with a dorky crooked smile. "Yes, yes it is. Anyways how are you today Anastasia?" He asks. "Ew you know I hate when people use my full name." I groan. "Hence why I used it." He raises his eyebrows. "I'm great I guess," I respond to his initial question shrugging my backpack off. He nods and turns to me again but without a smile on his face this time.

He sighs. "I heard Brad broke up with you today,". That literally happened not even less than ten minutes ago how did he already know about that? "No way dude. How do you even know about that?" I question him. Instead of responding he gets out his phone and goes to an Instagram page called midtownhighhottea and pulls up a video. Not to my surprise, it's a video of Brad breaking up with me with the caption 'looks like little miss Ana can't even keep a relationship'. "You're super famous now you know," Peter says sarcastically. "Honestly I'm not even surprised at this point. I do wonder who is running that account though," I say as I turn to face the front of the classroom as the tardy bell rings.


Soon enough lunch came around. Nothing like having half the school talk about you and staring at you. I go to find Peter and Ned and sit down at the table they're at. "No way dude you are like the talk of the school now!" Ned says surprised. "I know, nothing like being publically humiliated am I right" You respond unwrapping a soggy turkey sandwich. "Nobody in robotics club has ever been talked about this much though, this is really big for us!" You chuckle at Ned's excitement. "You know I would've thought those "tea" pages would've been gone by now. It's not like we're in seventh grade anymore." Peter says sympathetically and rubs his arm. "Honestly I find the whole post thing kind of funny. You know I thought I would've been sad about the whole break-up thing but honestly, I kind of feel relieved," I truthfully say. "And Ned, don't be too happy it's not like anyone is going to care next week." By next week everyone would be onto something new. No one was going to care about me, or the breakup, or Brad. Wait that's a lie - everyone will still care about Brad.

"Do you guys wanna hang after school today?" I ask. Ned is the first one to say something. "Can't today. I have to study after school today with Betty." He raises his eyebrows suggestively. "Ned, no one is going to fall for that. There's nothing to study on the first day of school." Ned rolls his eyes at Peter's statement. Ned and Betty have had a crush on each other but Ned has always been too scared to ask Betty out and Betty has always been too scared to ask Ned out. "I think by studying he means kissing." I chuckle as I pop a grape into my mouth.

"Anyways, what about you Peter?" I turn to him. "Oh yeah, I'm free after school today." He says awkwardly. "Can we watch Star Wars though?" He has a hopeful look on his face. "Yeah, I guess," I respond. This boy and his Star Wars.


The bell rang and school ended. Peter and I had agreed to meet up at my locker and walk to my house from there since it wasn't too far. He walked over to me with a smile on his face. I really like his smile. And his weird and dorky t-shirts. And his laugh. And his personality. And when he's shirtless. 

I mentally smack myself for the last one. Too far Ana, too far.

He snaps me out of my very... interesting thoughts. "I say we watch The Last Jedi first." He speaks. "That's cool with me," I say. I start walking out and he follows after me. As soon as we step outside I miss the air conditioning. It is so humid and gross.

We make it to my apartment after 10 minutes of walking. I unlock the door and let Peter in. "You can put your stuff where ever you want," I tell him. "I'm gonna go change really quick but you can just head to my room." He nods and starts walking to my room. I quickly change in the bathroom and then walk to my room after triple-checking that I didn't look completely disgusting. When I walk in I see Peter looking at my bookshelf. 

"Why do you have four copies of Paper Towns?" He questions. I shrug. "Just in case one of them breaks," I respond. He laughs but it's not an 'I'm totally making fun of you right now cause you're stupid' laugh. It's more of an 'I like that you're weird and do weird things because I'm weird and do weird things too' laugh. "Wouldn't you just buy another one if one breaks though?" I sigh. "But that would take forever and what if I'm in the middle of reading it and it breaks? Also, you can never have enough of your favorite thing." I say. "You know what, I completely agree with that statement." I giggle. Eww, I did not just giggle. I literally just got broken up with why am I obsessing over another boy now?

I look up at him and I see him staring at me. We make eye contact for a few seconds but it feels like forever. I break the silence. "Umm, I'm gonna get the movie set up," I say. "Okay." He says.

Word Count: 1099

Authors Note: Hey guys! I have had this story idea in my head since last December so I finally decided to start writing it. I hope you guys like it so far and I can't wait to keep writing it!

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