Chapter 5

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Chapter song: Something Like Summer - Caveboy

It was 8:00 in the morning. Too early to even be thinking about anything, but now I had to spend the next hour packing extravagant outfits for this spontaneous trip to the beach in Oregon.

"CAN'T YOU BELIEVE IT!" Aunt May screamed just like she had been for the past thirty minutes. I'm surprised we haven't gotten a noise complaint yet. "I didn't even think I would actually win the tickets! I just entered and then BOOM! I got the email right this morning!" she dances her way across the living room.

Peter just sighed at Aunt May. He's been acting weird all morning. I mean I have to admit I'm not particularly thrilled about being up this early either but come on it's a free trip plus It's going to be with my favorite people. 

Peter finally spoke. "I just don't understand May. Why didn't you tell me you were planning on entering to win a trip or whatever." He rubs his eyes and massages his temples.

"Oh, Peter calm down. It's not like you're going to be missing anything while we're gone. It'll be fun, like a girl's trip plus you." May smiled and started dancing. I do have to admit seeing May happy is nice and I will get an excuse to buy new stuff while we're there.

May clapped her hands loudly. "Okay chop chop we have to be at the airport in an hour so we can get there exactly three hours early." Peter and I both groaned. At least we'll be on time, but there's nothing I hate more than early mornings.


We had already been through baggage claim and were sitting waiting for our turn to board, which won't be for a while since we got here extra early thanks to Aunt May. Good thing is that I did get to start reading my book early so it was kind of a win-win situation.

"Okay kids I'm going to go get some food, do you guys want anything?" May asked and we both shake our heads no and she walked off.

Peter looked at me and smiled. "what." I said and rolled my eyes at him. He leaned over close to me giving me goosebumps.

"You're cute." He said while poking my nose with a giant grin on his face.

"Um what." I stare blankly at him. I have to be misinterpreting this some how because there is no way he actually just said that to me.

He smiled at me. "What, is it bad for someone to acknowledge their best friends beauty?" Ouch. Didn't need to friend zone me that hard there man. I shrug at him. "I guess not man" I say and turn back to my book. I can't shake off a feeling of awkwardness that settled over me. Suddenly the words Chapter 13 look very interesting to me. I can feel him staring but I can't tell in which way. I'm can't let this get to my head and become delusional. We're only best friends and I can't ruin that by having these stupid things called feelings.

He sucks in a breath of air and suddenly become aware of this awkward pause between us. "Umm... so what are you reading?" He questions me. I give him a confused look. He hates reading so why does he care about what I'm reading? "Oh." I speak." Just Little Women." He smiles and says "I've never read it before, what is it about?" He rests his body on the arm rest of my chair and leans closer to me. I turn to look at him and become aware of how close our faces are. My heart starts beating faster than I ever thought it could. "Just about these sisters growing up together and their lives." I choke out. "It's actually a movie" I whisper hoping he doesn't hear how loud my heart is or notice my face turning a red hue. "We can watch it on the airplane if you want to?" I suggest. His face is still in the same spot. He opens his mouth "Of course, anything for you Ana." He smiles and playfully shoves my shoulder. There's absolutely no goddamn fucking way that just happened. 


When May bought these tickets, she just forgot to mention that we wouldn't be sitting together. Great. How absolutely fantastic. I am sitting in the back of the plane alone, and although we only got on about two minutes ago I already feel super uncomfortable. There's a man who walks up to the seat next to me, looks at me, puts his stuff away and then sits down. Now I'm sure this man is very nice, but my fear of men will not let me believe that. Luckily Peter is sitting across the aisle from me. I look to him and he gives me a smile and I just give him a mortified look. He looks down at his phone and starts typing.

Are you okay?  

No I am not, but I am not about to get all in my feels when it's pointless. I start typing back to him. 

Yeah I'm dandy. Wby?

I see him get up from his seat and grab his things. He walks over to me and this strange man playing candy crush on his phone. 

He clears his throat. "Excuse me sir, is it okay if we switch spots?" He asks kindly. The man just stares at him for a second then looks over at me. I awkwardly smile hoping he doesn't catch that I'm totally terrified of this whole situation happening right now. He looks back at Peter and starts nodding. "Yeah, I got you man." He gets up from his seat and grabs his backpack. "Thank you so much sir." Peter says gratefully.

He sets his things down next to me and looks at me. I ask him "Peter Parker why did you just do that." 

"Well I was not about to leave you next to some rando frat guy. Plus you said we could watch the Little Women movie and I was not about to pass up that opportunity you know." He grabs my back pack and gets out my computer.

"I didn't know you were that invested Parker?" I laugh

He turns the computer to me so I can type in my password. "Oh please." He says "For you, I'm invested in everything" He winks. 

I think I just forgot how to function. "Umm hello can you type faster" He complains. 

"Excuse you." I say back playfully and pull up the movie. He moves the arm rest up from between our seats and scoots closer to me. 

"Do you want some blanket?" He asks. "Of course I saw and look at him. He has really nice eyes. This is definitely going to be a long plane ride.


Hello! I am so sorry I have been away for this long. This school year was a lot for me and I had a lot of things to deal with. The crazy thing is when I started this book I thought my life would be a lot different than it is now. Now although my life was not great this year I am happy I re-found my love for writing and have come back to this book. I am going on vacation soon and hope to continue writing there and throughout the summer. I love you all and as always thank you for stopping by.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2023 ⏰

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