Chapter 4

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Chapter Song: You Are In Love - Taylor Swift

Peter was staring at me like I was insane. He sat across from me on Aunt May's yellow couch. "I still can't believe you haven't been on a real, actual date." His amusement at this fact was killing me. I was hiding my face from him with one of the many blue throw pillows he had owned. I had just admitted what I believed to be one of the biggest secrets I had from when I was dating Brad.  I can't believe I dated that loser. Brad never tried when it came to our relationship he was just an asshole the entire time. "Why are you looking me like that?" I grabbed the pillow next to me and threw it at him. "Whoa. I never thought you would be violent towards me Ana." He sarcastically remarked. I covered my face with my hands in embarrassment. He spoke again "Okay well, I just think it's a little crazy that you were with him for over a year and you never went on a date with him. I'm mostly just offended that you never told me about this. I mean how did you even love this guy. You seriously need to get over him." 

Oh, how desperately did I want to respond and say I am over him Peter I'm almost 97% sure I am in love with you and have been for 3 years and yes that means the entire time I was dating Brad. But I didn't do that. Instead, I just sat there while he tried not to laugh. "I have an idea." He smirked. This is definitely not going to be good. "What if I took you on a date every single day this week." 

Oh. My. God.

"I mean it's only fitting since Brad never did it and I am your best friend so I'm obligated to make you happy." Ouch.

Never expected to get friend-zoned that hard.

 He stood up and walked over to the kitchen and stood in front of the fridge for a few minutes. "What are you doing?" I asked him but he didn't answer. "I found it." He said as he pulled one of the many pictures off of the fridge. He walked over to me and sat in front of me again, but closer this time. "Okay, so you remember my Uncle Ben right?" Of course, I remember Uncle Ben. Why would he think I didn't? "Yes, I do," I say and look at his face. He has the biggest smile ever. I'm happy he can now talk about Uncle Ben and not be sad. "So like ten-ish years ago he took my Aunt May to this super cool place for one of their dates." He still had the picture covered and on the back, it had the written words 'For my one true love,'. He then flipped over the picture so I could see it. Aunt May stood on the right with her hands together and Uncle Ben on the left holding the lantern and looking at her. "I'm taking you here. So be ready by 6:00 tonight." He was going to take me on a date that May and Ben went to while they were still together. While they were still happy. When he was still alive. "Peter are you sure about this?" He looked confused. "Of course I'm sure." He said.


"Are you ready?" Peter asked from outside the door. "Yeah I'm just putting my shoes on hold on!" that was a lie. I had been ready for 23 minutes I was just too scared to open the door. "I'm coming in." He says. I scramble to make it look like I hadn't been sitting on the floor about to cry for the last half hour. "You look amazing." He walks over to me and grabs my hand to hold me up. I smile up at him trying to hide my nervousness. "Are you ready?" He asked and I nod. He leads me down to the elevator. We get in the elevator in comfortable silence. The wall in front of us is reflective. I didn't notice until now that Peter is wearing the same dress shirt that Uncle Ben was in the picture. He looked happy, lost in his thought. I wonder what he's thinking about?

The elevator opened and he led me to a car in the large parking lot. "Wow Peter, an Audi?" I am stunned and he just laughs. "Perks of working for Tony Starks." He winks at me. He goes to open the car door for me. He is just the dream man. "Okay but if you crash this car like you did that one time-" He cuts me off "Oh my god Ana that was ONE time! And I don't remember you dying or getting seriously injured so shut up!" He rolls his eyes jokingly and I chuckle as we drive out of the parking lot. 


We arrived at this open area with a few other people surrounding us. The wind was soft and warm. Most of the other people around us had already released their lanterns. Peter pulled me over to him as he was writing our names on the lanterns with black paint. His handwriting could use some serious work. When he's done we walk over to get our picture taken. Peter had said it was only fitting since it was our first "date". We stand next to each other as the bright light flashes. We wait in line to get our picture back. The photographer processes our picture and hands it to us. "Thank you," I say to him and he nods. I look at the picture. Peter stood on the left and looked at me with the lantern in his hands and I stood on the right with my hands clasped in front of me looking at the camera. It's almost identical to the one they took.

We now stand together holding the lantern. Peter looks at me and says "Thank you for doing this with me." I nod and smile at him. We both let go and lookup. Slowly the lantern floats away and our names get smaller and smaller. I look down at him. He's so beautiful. I try to play it off when he notices me. "What?" asks me. I shake my head "Nothing," I respond back to him. 

This is not going to end well.

Authors Note - Hey chicas long time no see. This chapter is HEAVILY inspired by Tangled because it's been my favorite movie since 2010 (yes I was an OG Flynn rider and rapunzel shipper). Anyways I hope you guys are doing well!

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