Chapter 2

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Chapter Song: Young Blood - The Naked And Famous

The school was awful. After Peter went home last night I ended up going right to sleep only to miss my alarm and having to rush out of the house. The water in my shower was cold and we had no food in the house that wasn't three months expired. Not only did I almost get run over five million different times walking to school but I was twenty minutes late (twenty-two if you want to get super specific) so I now have to go to after-school detention today. Lucky me.

Science was boring too. Peter wasn't even there today so I had no one to talk to. Ned and Betty are in the class I'm in right now, English, but it's not even worth it to try and talk to them. They won't stop staring and giggling at each other. Gross.

The bell for lunch finally rings and I grab my backpack and lunch as Ned walks over to me. "Hey, Ana! Is it okay if Betty sits with us at lunch today... and for the rest of high school?". I had no problem with Betty. She was really nice and raised money for lots of charities. I just don't know why Ned feels the need to ask me if it's okay. It's not like I'm going to say no. "Of course Ned. You didn't even have to ask me," I say back to him and he smiled. 

When we walked into the cafeteria I saw Peter reading. When we sat down Ned had asked where Peter was this morning and he (Peter), had just brushed it off and said he was running late. He's never late. Weird.

Ned turned the conversation to me. "Ana, weren't you late this morning too?" Ned asked and raised his eyebrows as if implying something. "Yes, Ned I was late but it was only because I forgot to set my alarm, and since my parents haven't been home in forever no one was there to wake me up," I said slightly frustrated. I wish my parents would've taken me with them.

"Wait why aren't your parents there?" Betty asked. "They're in Costa Rica for 6 months. Kinda lame they didn't take me with them but it's whatever I guess." I said and shrugged my shoulders. Quickly after I finished my sentence Peter said something. "Well if you want you can come and stay with Aunt May and me until they get back." He said quickly. His face turned bright red as if he didn't mean to say it and just thought out loud. Did he really mean it?  "Sure," I responded. "But only if she's okay with it."


Peter had ended up getting after-school detention too since he forgot to turn in his homework for the fifth time. Once he came in he sat next to me. "Hey, Ana. How has your day been? I mean I know we saw each other at lunch but I completely forgot to ask." He asked me as he got out his laptop. His laptop was now missing 4 keys and the space bar barely worked. This boy and his inability to be careful. I responded. "I mean I'm here right now so not great,". The bell rang and the teacher started playing that stupid Captain America video. Like we get it you're old so you must be super smart or whatever. If he aged normally he would be disintegrating. 

Peter got an alert on his watch. "Oh shit. Gotta go." He said and ran away for the fifth time in the past two days. "Wait come back!" the teacher yelled but was too lazy to move from his seat to actually yell at him. He's probably outdoing spiderman stuff. He hadn't told me yet but it was painfully obvious. Peter is basically incapable of keeping secrets. 


"Okay good news!" Peter shouted from behind me and startled me. I turned around and swat at his shoulder playfully. "Peter! You can't do that." I laughed and he smiled. "Sorry. Also, Aunt May said she's completely fine with you staying over at our place for the next four months until your parents get back. She even said she would let us watch TV whenever we wanted!" That statement made his eyes lit up like a five-year-old at Christmas.

"She said you come and bring your stuff over at five o'clock tonight. She said she's going to order pizza for you and me since you love pizza so much." I smiled. I do really love pizza. "Okay." was all I could get out. For some reason, I was really excited. Peter has been my best friend for years and we haven't had a sleepover in years. It was like everything we missed would be happening at once. He nodded and shouted a see you tonight as he started walking home.


Once I got home I immediately started packing. I grabbed everything I thought I would need and just stuffed it into this massive pink suitcase I got when I was 13. I always thought it was the ugliest thing ever but luckily it finally has some use in this world. 

I turned all the lights off in my apartment and made sure every door was closed. I grabbed my set of keys and locked the door. Then I unlocked it and locked it just to make sure I actually did it and to be safe. I was starting to get nervous. I haven't even seen Aunt May in two months which actually isn't even that long but still long enough to freak out a little bit. Maybe this would be a good thing, or it could end terribly. 

I guess we'll find out.

Authors Note - Ughh I already love writing this book. If you're coming from my last book to this one just know I am not completely giving up on the last book. I will edit it and make it all 1st person eventually when my schedule isn't crazy.

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