Chapter 3

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Chapter Song: Forever - CHVRCHES

I had my suitcase packed and ready to go. I was in front of his apartment and as soon as I was about to knock the door burst open. A smiley Peter stared at me. "Hey," I said a little startled. "Hey." He said in a relaxed tone. "Welcome to my humble abode." He nodded and opened the door wider for me to enter. "You know I've been to your house before right?" I asked. He nodded and stood back with his hands on his hips for a second. "Yes, my lovely Ana, you have in fact been to my house before but..." He paused for a moment. "You have never stayed over my house for longer than three nights. I find it only fitting that you are welcomed with the most opened arms." I shrugged. "Fair enough Peter, Fair enough.".

I set my stuff down in his room and pause. His bunk bed is broken - and as in broken I literally mean the top is basically split in half. "Peter what the-" he laughs as he basically picks my jaw up off of the floor. "You don't wanna know." He says. I go to look at his desk full of legos and a tower full of geometry and chemistry books. Only Peter would genuinely be interested in reading about geometry and chemistry. I think that's one of the things I like about him so much. He is always looking to learn new things and constantly searching for knowledge. 

"Don't worry," He says but my focus is still on the tiny lego death star he and Ned surely made together - they were so excited when Ned's Lola got the set for them to make together, it was adorable. "Hm?" I mutter in response and he sucks in a breath which he only does when he's nervous. Nervous? He's Nervous? I pull my attention to him. He sits on the bottom bunk - which is obscenely larger than the top bunk (probably aunt may's doing because he's always hated having a twin-sized bed) - with his legs crisscrossed and his hands clasped sitting in his lap. "Well I just mean I'll take the floor and you can have the bed." He says with a smile. He is absolutely and insanely ridiculous. We have been friends for years and have had MANY sleepovers for years and THIS is what he's worried about? "Peter Benjamin Parker are you insane? You are not sleeping on the floor we can just sleep in the same bed." He blushes at first out of embarrassment but then looks slightly relieved. "So... wanna go watch The Blair Witch Project? Aunt May says I'm not allowed to watch it but she won't be home for 3 more hours." I have now come to the conclusion that is in fact insane. "Why the hell not!"


We did in fact get away with watching The Blair Witch Project successfully but I have a feeling Peter won't be sleeping for the next 8 weeks. We were once again sitting in Peter's room eating a surplus amount of pizza and some random gummy worms Peter found in his backpack. "So Peter, now that you have fed me my favorite food and a surplus amount of mystery gummy worms, are you ready to talk about the real deal of the evening?" I ask him with amusement to which he gives me a confused look in return. "What's the real deal of the evening?" He asks with a mouth full of mystery gummy worms. "Oh you know," I pick up another piece of pizza and take a bite "talk about you being Spider-Man." I smile but he just looks mortified like I just walked in on him naked. "What? No that's crazy you're crazy!" He takes a piece of pizza and shoves it in his mouth. "Mhm sure. But then how would I know where your suit is?" I get up and go to his closet and pull out the blue and red suit. 

"How do you even know about that?" He yells in amusement. He falls onto his back and covers his face. "This is awful!" I laugh. "Thanks to my snooping earlier and trusty detective skills from the last 3.5 months I have fully come to the conclusion that it was you. It only made sense that it was the reason you always left in such a hurry at the most absurd times." I shrug my shoulders and he sits up fast. "Okay but you have to promise not to tell anyone. Like I'm talking about even if you hate me someday you still can't tell anyone." How could I ever hate Peter? He's like the most amazing human ever and I would have to go crazy in order to hate him. "Peter I would never tell anyone I swear. It's not anyone's business either." He sighs in relief. "Thank you." He smiles at me. He's so incredibly beautiful when he smiles. "Anytime Spider-Man" I wink at him. "Ana!" He yells and throws a pillow at me. I can't wait to spend the next four months with him.

Authors Note: Hey guys! This chapter is incredibly short and not edited at all (totally my b for not thinking of a better time to write) but I just all of sudden got called to reading and writing again. I can't wait to continue this journey of writing with you guys!

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