Chapter 2.

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So, a deal was made between Kagome and Inuyasha now they were sort of a thing but now that he's accepted this bet, they were no longer together at the moment.

Plus, Kagome knows that Inuyasha will never love her the same way as he did for her cousin Kikyo.

he made a mistake when it came to Kikyo and Kagome and trying to date them both he had admitted that to everyone, But now he wasn't trying to be like that anymore, But then Kagome and Koga and everyone else called him out on his new behavior as weakness and that he's lost his touch thanks to Kikyo tarring him down a peg, but then at the end of the fighting since no one can seem to understand what is that Kikyo sees inside Serena Tsukino a girl that seems so boring and plain.

But now he is about to find out a lot more than he bargained for but he agrees to the terms Kagome told him in return for this bet if he could prove to himself that he still got it and that he could trick women or is the King around the school and is still top dog for Prom King, And if he can make the less popular girl like Serena a Queen then Kagome will set him and Kikyo back up together, She will do everything in her power to get her cousin to forgive him and take him back. 

So once Inuyasha heard that he had a chance to get Kikyo back he took this chance he laughed it off and said this was going to be a piece of cake after all deep down Nerds just want to be just like them too and want to be accepted, so he was convinced that he could to make Serena one of them and sleep with her as a bonus he had to admit it he wondered what it was like being with a girl who's never had sex before? So, he thought.

So, he accepted these deals, and Kagome and Koga were stating to everyone that they were together anyway. 

So, let's begin where I left off. The classroom went quiet for once as the teacher had called everyone into the classroom before this all happened, or the bet was made.

As Kikyo was in her seat, writing things down that were on the board. As the teacher was talking about volcanoes and whatnot Serena and Kikyo always normally partnered with each other.

But then when the teacher said to begin working on a group project together and this is half your grade so you will take part or fail the course, Stated the teacher. 

So as Serena and Kikyo were about to walk towards each other Kagome tripped a boy who fell head forward to Kikyo's body, and she caught him before he hit the ground.

As Kagome made a whoop...! Oh...! Sorry. Kikyo glared at Kagome, but then looked down at the young man. As Inuyasha saw this, he felt annoyed.

"What did you do that for? Asked Inuyasha, " annoyed. "So, you can partner up with Serena instead before Kikyo to get to her, now get over there, said Kagome, hinting at the first sign of helping him.

"Oh...!!! Right, well here goes nothing, says Inuyasha," taking a breath in and then out and walking towards Serena. As everyone else was ignoring her.  "Do you believe that you can get Kikyo to go back to him? Asked Koga, " whispering.

"Not a chance, but hey, it's all a bit of fun really, and I'd like to see that Tsukino knocked down a peg or two, Whispered Kagome," seriously. As he chuckled a little bit with her.

Sango and Miroku were clueless, they didn't know anything really, but they were supposed to be Inuyasha's wingman and wingwoman to help guide him through this whole bet for the whole 3 months.

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