Chapter 7.

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So as Serena and Inuyasha were trying to give this a true chance as a couple now in the school. She was trying her hardest to help boost herself up to get others to vote for her at Prom Queen and Inuyasha was doing the same thing with most of the students and he was pretty high up there still. But Serena was having fun and acting like one of them for once, A cool girl and then Kikyo caught on what this as all about and Serena asks her to back off but this only made her mad. But later on, that evening when she needed her best friend for help, she ignored her call for help and instead she was forced to call the one person she wasn't sure she'd ever have the courage to call for help but she did regardless so she called Inuyasha and then he rushed out the door.

So, let's begin where I left off enjoy.

As Inuyasha reached the building he's been to before. As he looked around for the girl that had called him. He noticed that no one was even here not a soul in sight. Until he found Serena in a corner holding herself together, but she smelt of blood and tears. As he slowly walked over to her and then bent down to check on her, she was passed out cold a bit from the loss of blood. As he checked on her, he got worried but then she snapped awake in fear and screamed out get away from...!!! Not really knowing that it was him.

As she noticed that it was Inuyasha. "You...!!! You came for me? Asked Serena" almost crying real tears. "Of course, I came I was worried when I got your call like that, what happened, Serena what happened tonight? Asked Inuyasha" worried about her. 

"I tried to call Kikyo, but she wouldn't answer, I didn't know who else to turn too, I am sorry that I called so late, can you please take me out of this place? Asked Serena" ashamed of herself. As he looked at her face and then said fine. But I am going to take you too my place for the night, you're not going home alone not like this, Said Inuyasha" serious tone voice.  As Inuyasha gently grabbed her into his arms.

As he noticed her make a few winching sounds as if she was in pain. But he managed to get her into his car, and he noticed her car total blown up destroyed even. As she was okay for the moment as he brought her too his place. It was mostly him who lived here his parents aren't really around that much besides they were his adopted parents not his biological parents.

So, as he laid Serena in his bed. She woke up. As she looked up at him. "Serena what happened back there? Asked Inuyasha" carefully placing his hand on her face. As she looked wounded and sad even.

As he noticed the beating marks on her face. "You must think that I am pathetic, Say's Serena" sadly admitting it.

"No...!!! Seriously Serena what happened tonight? Asked Inuyasha" being rather respectful. As she felt scared to trust him. As he noticed she was hesitating. "I went out to do my job like every night, Things just got out of hand that's all, spoken up Serena" trying to lie.

Inuyasha wasn't buying it as he gently sat next to when he returned with a first aid kit. "I don't believe that, Serena, you can trust me, please let me help you. Asked Inuyasha" emotionally showing concerns about her safety.

As Serena felt herself wanting to cry and protect her family but she wasn't sure how much more of this that she could take emotionally or just plain out damaged even they both were starting to destroy her from the inside out, she wasn't sure if she could even lie or hold down this con for much longer.

So she broke down and it just came pouring out of her mouth and she was screaming these things out as she cried and was holding him tighter as she kept yelling out what had happened earlier tonight she told him everything right down to the last word and honestly the very last details right down to the heart of the problem, Everything that was said up until the filming of the next video and afterwards when she tried to stand up for herself against Darien, He called her such awful names and so she punched him but only for him to turn around and beat on her and whipped with his whipping tool until he raped her she fought so hard to get him off of her but then he knocked her in the back of the head and made her fall unconscious while he had his way with her, She screamed out I don't want to lie anymore...! I don't want to live like this anymore...! I don't want to be a porn star anymore...! I don't want to do this anymore...!!! As she kept crying loudly as she told him all of this.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17 ⏰

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