Chapter 5.

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So last time this happened. Inuyasha finally managed to get closer and find out the truth of who Serena is and unlocked the big secret mystery of who she truly is Kikyo knew about this and now Inuyasha knows but before he could leave with his friends, he got caught by a bodyguard. 

Darien Chiba whose father owned this very place and now he was in charge of running a porn site wasn't exactly legal, so he threatened to have Inuyasha killed to keep his secret. But Serena saved him and told them all that Inuyasha was her boyfriend.

So afterward they left together. Serena had to think of something fast to keep her secret safe. So, let's begin where I left off at enjoy.

As Serena got to her car, she told him to get in otherwise he'd be trapped here, Stated Serena" coldly. As he looked around then knew that Miroku had stolen his car, so he didn't have a choice, but he also thought hard about her secret and what he had just seen back there.

so, he got into her car, and they drove in silence for the longest time, he wasn't sure how he should approach this sensitive topic with her, and he was still in denial almost still what he had just seen back there too but he knew what he has seen but then he snapped out of his head when he noticed he stop at an old lookout point. 

As she threw her glasses in their case and put them in the glove box in her car. As he looked around and asked where were they. She replied they needed to talk alone.

"Who else knows about my secret, who else knows about my job? Asked Serena" Showing no fear to speak right now. 

As he locked eyes with her. "Just Me and Sango and Miroku saw you tonight, they ran when that guard caught us spying, Said Inuyasha" admitting it. "Damn it...!!! after I worked so hard to keep that part of my life secret, Damit this is going to be all over school by morning...! Shouted out Serena" slamming her head onto her car's steering wheel. 

"I don't get it, this whole time you've been undercover under everyone's noes even mine, And I am conflicted now, I mean you've been one of my favorite porn stars for years, I never told anyone that but still, and this whole time I've been going to school with you, I am feeling very conflicted right now, spoken up Inuyasha" admitting this to her. 

"You can't tell anyone about this...!!!! I am begging you please...!!! I am not comfortable with everyone knowing about my personal life, please...!!! I am asking you not to tell anyone; can't you make the other two also keep this to themselves, please? Asked Serena" begging.

"You're putting me in a really difficult position here asking me to keep this big of a secret to myself...! Wait...! does Kikyo know about this? Asked Inuyasha" curiously and serious tone of voice.

"Yes, She's the only one who knows the truth, but believe me tonight I could have let them kill you, but I didn't I saved you, so you owe me one here, if you do this for me and keep this a secret, I will do it...!!! Spoke up Serena" making a deal with him. "Do what? Asked Inuyasha" Confused. 

"I will help you win your stupid bet against Kagome, says Serena" admitting. As his eyes widened.

"Wait are you saying you'd go along with this whole plan even though you know what's going to happen at the end of it? Asked Inuyasha" confused and shocked by her bold move. 

"I know what's expected of me for you to win this bet and I swear that I will go along with pertaining that I am your girlfriend I can play the part super well, I will do everything that is required of me to do in this bet of yours against Kagome, And I will do it all the acting the dressing up and the Prom queen part all of it, I will even let you sleep with me and record it as proof, But only if you swear that you won't tell anyone and you make the other two remind silent about what they saw tonight, I will do it all I will help you out an exchange for your silence of my secret of being a porn star, Spoken up Serena" accepting to make this deal with him.

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