Chapter 4.

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Serena found out that Inuyasha was lying about wanting a chance with her and wanting to go out with her, She knew that it was all a part of a con for him to win a bet, But what he doesn't know is half of Serena's life is a whole secret and yet after leaving Kikyo's house late one night after she pinned him to the floor he found her too be rather strong for a girl and he realized he barely knew anything about Serena's true self at all, Now he was more curious about her but then when he followed her too this strange place last night at the middle of the night, She met a guy outside who was way older then she is and then she went inside and never came back outside, He didn't know who the guy was but he can't be her father since he looked like a college student at the rate of ages go, And her parents were on the list Melvin gave too him on her background, So he was now even more curious but he'd catch her somehow and find away too get her to agree to accept too date him too, He knew now that she knows that this is all a bet, But if he can convince her too help him? 

At least prove Kagome wrong, He can't allow Kagome to win this bet, He had to find a way to make her want him, and he'd find a way to get her to date him somehow. So now let's begin where I left off at enjoy. 

So, it was a long night last night, Serena's body was as sore as ever before, she rubbed her eyes and then yawned as she went home and washed her body in the shower and tried to wash away her sin and her last night's action, she prayed that her employer liked her business last night, she was so tired of it though. 

As she dressed and placed a normal uniform on for once today, but she placed her glasses on and her hair up in a bun once again, she walked downstairs, and her mother looked up at her.

"You got in late last night, I hope that you've been safe last night, says Ikuko" gently. 

"Yeah, I have been safe don't worry Mom, I got the money alright, that should make you both happy, Replied Serena" yawing but then placed the money on the counter.

As Her dad took it. He counted it out and then said that she was short a few bucks. She said she'd get the rest later on, she's got another job after school right after school, Replied Serena" Seriously.

"I know we need the bills to get paid, but you say that boss of yours he better pay up the bigger cash soon got it, Said Kenji" honestly. "I got it, Dad, I will get what I can today, just leave it alone do you understand me, Says Serena" annoyed. 

As she left and finally her car was fixed so she could drive herself today. As everyone was arriving at school already.

As Kikyo arrived on time like always. As did Inuyasha and Miroku, Sango was out front talking about Serena's weirdness and strange behavior last night.

So, they were curious too and they agreed to help him out after school, and they'd follow Serena after school. As Kikyo was carrying out their finished project.

As Ashitaka rushed over to Kikyo and told her to let him help her carry that.

As Inuyasha noticed this behavior. Kagome commented and told him he better work his magic on Serena fast otherwise she might not be able to get Kikyo back for him. He growled at her and said we will see about that later on for now he has a bet to win and then approached Kikyo.

"Hey you finished it, spoke up Inuyasha" impressed. "Oh well Serena and I did most of the end of it and your help I guess, but yeah, I did the last pieces of the project myself, Replied Kikyo" honestly. "I see that, so where is Blondie this morning? Asked Inuyasha" curiously. "She's late, later than normal, Said Kikyo" honestly. 

"I hope that she's alright, I mean it's not like she'd be out with someone last night or anything, would she? Asked Inuyasha" hinting at the truth. "What, I have no idea what you're talking about, she's not seeing someone if that's what you're hinting at, she doesn't have dates or guys like that, you all know that, Said Kikyo" snapping at him. 

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