Kaleidoscopical Science

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What would you do if six portals popped into your house, spitting out six otherworldly looking people? You would get a weapon, of course! Or at the very least, something that's able to knock out a person. Maybe run, if you had the chance to.

Adam had woken up to the sound of large objects thumping on the ground. At 4:17 in the morning too!

Whatever in the world was that?

Slowly clambering out of bed and grabbing the nearest item (which was a dusty lampshade) he tip-toed out his room. Even with the high chance of the noise being some stray cats, there was the other chance of it being unwanted guests.

"And unwanted guests we do not like," he mumbled.

Adam gripped the lampshade harder. He was nearing the room left of his bedroom, the guestroom. Taking a breath, he quickly swung the door open and turned on the light. He scanned the room for any life-form that didn't belong. Nothing.

This room's clear.

He continued to the next room, the bathroom. There was nothing in there either.

You serious? Don't tell me it's in the living room...

With a silent moan, Adam moved on to the stairs. That's where he heard the faint mumbling of people.

"So there are intruders.."

He made sure to stay by the top of the staircase, hoping whoever was down there didn't see or hear him.

"So... according to memorized protocols, I'm supposed to ask if any of the surrounding party are harmed in any way or in vital areas. Are you all alright?", someone asked. It was a woman's voice, but strangely robotic and monotone. Like there was no authenticity to it.

"I'm quite alright thank you... strange land person. Uhm, what about you, animal deity?", a different woman said. Her voice was light and airy, like a cloud.

"Uh, Kagerou is okay? I'm not sure how to feel about this situation..."

She talks in third person? There's nothing with that, it actually makes it easier for me.

Kagerou--the 'animal deity'-spoke up once more.

"Are we not going to question how this happened? Kagerou was sure to seal the artifact away properly this time!"

"It's very unusual for a situation like this to occur. I can usually defeat the Gho'uest before something like this happens. Curious..."

It again appeared to be another woman, this time with a more serious and calculative tone. She was as formal as the monotone one, though less... robotic.

The longer this goes on, the less sleep I get. Just go and leave already!

Finally deciding that he had enough, Adam slowly crept down the stairs. Soon enough he was able to see at least some of the people in the living room. So far, there were three people in his sight. Two females and a single man.

Just how many women are there? 

All of them were distracted, thankfully. The two women both wore dresses and had hairstyles that look similar to the other. Only one of them had a sort of floating hair tie around the low ponytails. The man was tall. Extremely tall. So tall that Adam couldn't see above the neck. His ivory-colored shirt and worn messenger bag was all he could see.

If he's that tall, then he's going to be stronger than me. 

While there were too many people for Adam to take on at once, he could at least knock out one person.

So that's when he came barging down the stairs, yelling all sorts of things.


Mainly threats. The group then turned their heads toward Adam. Six faces in total, which meant six people to fight.

The odds of him winning and beating the daylights out of each of them... are pretty slim. Maybe a stroke of good luck will reach him?

"Sir, please calm down. This is not what it appears to be-"


Interrupting the monotone, twin-tailed lady (the one with the floating hair ties), Adam raised his weapon higher. The group backed away. One step, two steps. A third step for some.

Time slowed just a bit, as each and everyone of them thought the same thing.

What the hell are we doing here?

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