Where Do We Go From Here?

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"Okay, let me get this straight. All of you don't come from this world, correct?", Adam asked. The others nodded in sync.

"But you all come from 6 separate worlds entirely. None of you know each other at all either, correct?"

They all nodded again.

"And the only reason you're all here, is because of you guys getting sucked into different versions of a portal, correct?"

More nods.

Adam sighed, putting a hand to his face and rubbing the bridge of his nose.

This is too much information for just one night.

How could he believe them, too? What was realistic about them just... popping into his room, with no rhyme or reason to it. Never in his life did he expect this sort of thing to happen.

"Look, we know you have a few questions-"

"Oh, I have more than a few. I have plenty. A whole lifetime's worth of questions"

He interrupted poor Kagerou, who seemed to be the main voice of the other-worldly group, with his own angry voice.

"Such as, how could all of you be so, so, stupid to mess up and FALL IN THE PORTAL!?"

Red was all Adam could see, it's heat searing into his voice and face. They all grimaced at the loudness.

"...We get your anger, but we couldn't control it," Kagerou said.

"Oh, most of you couldn't. But the rest? You most definitely could,"

This time it was an icy tone. Moody, isn't he. Is this what a lack of sleep does to a person? After a short, but heavy silence, someone spoke up.

"Let's all take a small breather. There's been a lot happening today, and I assume that it's close to morning, yes?", twin-tails (without the hair ties) asked.

Adam looked at the clock.

5:07 A.M. already? Wasn't this a long endeavor.

50 minutes had passed while they were talking. 50 minutes missed out on sleeping. 50 minutes wasted on something that shouldn't have happened.

"It would be most wise to do so. The majority of us are human, and we still get tired. And for the poor host here-"


There was no way in hell these guys were going to stay in his house. 

"We have nowhere else to go, and it is assumed that no-one else will believe us. You do, by a single small thread. Anyone else? Barely anything," the hair tied, twin-tailed lady said.

He bit his bottom lip. 

Damn, these people really do know how to make a good counter argument... and I thought I was a hard-headed person.

Adam looked away. 

"...And for the poor host here, there is stress from our faults and situation. It is far too stressful and too much to comprehend in a single hour, even less so at the middle of night,"

"So if I'm gettin' this right, then we only really have one choice presented to us, right?", it was the tall guy who spoke up this time. It was strange, he was silent for the most part of conversation, why speak up now? Whatever.

"Technically two, one where we can leave and risk getting caught, or the other of staying here and not risk anything," Kagerou said.

"Then it's not much of a hard choice to choose then. We all agree to stay here and wait until we at least figure out what's happening, then?"

Everyone nodded or said some version of yes. Everyone except, you probably guessed it, Adam.

"Hell no! There's got to be some way for all of you to go back to your homes!", he protested. A bunch of groaning was their response.

"Do we have to go over this again? We've already told you that we have nowhere to go, and there is a small chance that anyone else would believe our story. Why is that so difficult for you to comprehend!?", twin tails angrily shouted. 

"Because I clearly don't want any of you stay at my house!"

"We don't have a choice in the matter! There was no possible way that we could have prevented this from happening to you-"

"Oh don't give me that, most of you could have solved the problem like any others you've encountered!"

"It would have been impossible to get every single one us away from the portals,"

"It wouldn't have hurt to try harder would it now?"

"We've tried our best, bud, but I don't think we could'a gone harder"

"Yes you can-"


A loud clap from a certain animal deity had caught their attention. She let out a breath and brought her hands to her face.

"It would be the best if we all got some sleep,"

Kagerou didn't leave any room for Adam to butt in with his opinion.

"I know you don't want it, but at least let us stay for the night. We can even do some things for you once you wake up!"


The gears in Adam's head started turning. These guys were extremely stubborn, he'll give them that.  And even if he somehow managed to reign on top, there wasn't much to give (he only has enough food for about 2 months, no way was he taking that stock out! And don't get him started on clothing-) once they leave...

Damn the compassionate heart of a human. 

With an unwilling attitude and a grumble, Adam led them upstairs.

"Come on... Let's get you situated,"

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