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It was midnight and Lizzie was bored. Josie was sleeping but for some reason Lizzie couldn't sleep. She was turning around in bed but any efforts she made to try to fall asleep failed. She pulled the blankets over her face and groaned. She eventually got out of bed and exited her dorm quietly in attempt not to wake Josie up. When she left her dorm she didn't really know what she was going to do. All she knew is that she was bored and couldn't fall asleep. Lizzie decided to chill out in the schools kitchen so she headed there. The whole school was quiet which was strange to her, she usually wasn't up past midnight. Mostly because she always went to bed early to maintain her routine. She was just about to enter the kitchen but she heard a plate smash and a familiar voice murmur, "Shit." Lizzie entered the kitchen and saw an auburn hair girl cleaning up a shattered plate. Lizzie imminently knew it was Hope.

"What the hell are you doing?" Lizzie asked while raising an eyebrow.

Hope hadn't realized Lizzie was there, so when she spoke the girl jumped up in reaction.

"What the hell Lizzie, you scared me!" Hope said while holding a hand to her chest.

Lizzie just rolled her eyes and grabbed a snack, she then sat down on one of the stools in the schools kitchen.

"What are you doing down here?" Hope said while putting the shattered pieces into the garbage.

"I could ask you the same thing." Lizzie says while taking a bite of her granola bar.

Hope just raised her eyebrow and stared at her until Lizzie finally spoke.

"Fine I was bored and couldn't fall asleep. Josie was sleeping and I didn't want to wake her up so I came here. Now tell me why your here." Lizzie says with a hint of annoyance in her voice.

"I was bored and hungry." Hope says.

"Mhm." Lizzie says.

"What do you mean Mhm?" Hope says with a look of annoyance and confusion.

"I feel like somethings wrong, the other day you and Landon were fighting. And your usually asleep but now your here. Fess up." Lizzie says with a raised eyebrow.

"Why do you care." Hope says while crossing her arms.

"I don't care I just bored and in need of drama." Lizzie says.

"Well now I'm definitely not telling you." Hope scoffs.

"Just tell me please, I promise I won't tell anyone." Lizzie begs.

For the first time in forever Lizzie sounded sincere.

Hope sighs.

"Fine me and Landon broke up. Apparently I'm to focused on other things and not on him. He says I'm a bitch and need to focus on my attitude." Hope says with a look of defeat.

"We may not be the best of friends Hope, but do not let that fire chicken talk to you like that." Lizzie says while taking another bite of her granola bar.

Hope slightly chuckled at the nickname that Lizzie has given Landon.

"Thank you Lizzie but I gotta go." Hope said while leaving the kitchen.

The Next Day


Hope woke up at 6:30am and grabbed her phone. She checked her text messages but she had none that were important so she put her phone down and began getting ready. She put on a basic t-shirt and jeans then headed towards the cafeteria. It was still fairly early but there were still a lot of students there. She spotted Landon from across the cafeteria and he gave her a look of disgust. She frowned and then looked around the cafeteria once more trying to find a friendly face. She spotted Lizzie and Josie with MG and a few others. Hope decided to go sit with them so she made her way over to their table.

"Hi." Hope said while sitting down next to Lizzie and Josie.

"Oh hi Hope." MG says with a friendly smile.

Lizzie was about to say something rude to Hope but she decided to be nice for once.

"Hi." Lizzie says.

"Is something wrong?" Josie asks Lizzie.

"What do you mean?" Lizzie asks confused.

"Your being nice to Hope." Josie whispers to Lizzie.

"I can hear you guys." Hope says with a small chuckle.

"Sorry." Josie says awkwardly.

The group continues chatting and the few of them who had food were eating. Amongst the others Hope caught Landon eye once again and he gave her a look and then turned around. Hope frowned and then she felt someone put a hand on her leg. She looked back towards the table and she saw that Lizzies hand was on her leg.

"Stop wasting your time staring at that's hobbit." Lizzie says and then takes her hand off Hopes leg.

Hope flashed Lizzie a smile out then got interrupted by the rest of the group talking.

A little while later


It had been a stressful day for Lizzie, during classes her and Josie had gotten into an argument and she didn't win the council election. It was around 9pm so no one was it the gym, Lizzie decided to blow off steam. She went to the gym and put on her boxing gloves. She began punching the punching bag. Punching it was doing a pretty good job of calming her down until she heard someone enter. She looked to the side while punching and saw it was Penelope she decided to not say anything.

"It's sweet of you not to want to hurt the punching bag." Penelope chuckles.

"You want to take its place?" Lizzie asks while continuing to punch it.

"Don't blame me, it's the rest of the witches who knew how bad you'd be at that job." Penelope says with a laugh.

Lizzie stops punching and walked towards Penelope.

"What did I do to make you hate me so much?" Lizzie says with a look of sadness of her face.

"It's not about you. Shocking I know. It's about how you treat Josie." Penelope says.

"I love Josie." Lizzie says sincerely.

"Did you think to ask her if she wanted to run for the council before you assumed you'd win?" You've left her with no room for herself, she spends all of her energy taking care of you. She doesn't have time for a relationship, because you are a black hole of time and energy and love. Just sucking it all up, never giving any of it back. Well she won't ever bring your world down, so I will do it for her." Penelope says then leaves the gym."

Lizzie is left there sad, heartbroken but mostly angry. She siphons the ground and in pure anger she says a spell making the punching bag explode. Hope runs into the gym.

"What are you doing?!" Hope asks and then runs up to Lizzie.

Lizzie breaks down and cries. Hope felt bad for Lizzie so she hugs her. Lizzie cries while hugging Hope.

"What happened?" Hope asks while pulling away from Lizzie.

"Penelope happened." Lizzie says as her tear filled face turns into anger.

Hope knee that Penelope and Lizzie weren't friends but she didn't think that Penelope would go as far as to make Lizzie cry like this. She felt terribly bad for Lizzie she had to do something about Penelope.

"I know we aren't the best of friends, but can I please just stay in your dorm for the night?" Lizzie asks with a look of vulnerability on her face.

Hope smiles softly and then nods.

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