[t h r e e]

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Since Lizzie left she had been in her dorm room just watching shows since it was a Saturday which meant no school. She was about to go to the next episode of Teen Wolf but she heard a nock at her door. She paused the show and then got out of bed. Hope opened the door and to her surprise, on the other side there was Lizzie.

"Oh hi Lizzie." Hope says.

"Hi Hope, I'm bored so come on we're going to the mystic grill." Lizzie says and then grabs Hopes hand.

Before Hope can say anything Lizzie pulls Hope out of the room and makes her way to Dr. Saltzman (aka Lizzies dad/Alaric) office.

"Are you sure were allowed?" Hope asks as Lizzie pulls her through the schools hallway.

"Yes." Lizzie says and then stops outside of Alaric's office.

Lizzie leaves Hope outside of the office and then goes in to ask.

"Daddy I was wondering if me and Hope could go to the mystic grill?" Lizzie asks with her signature puppy dog eyes.

Alaric sighs knowing that Lizzie probably will go anyways.

"Fine, but you guys have to be careful okay?" Alaric says.

Lizzie squeals and then leaves the office to go back to Hope.

"Come on Hope." Lizzie says and then once again grabs Hopes arm and pulls her out of the school.

Lizzie and Hope borrowed a car and then headed to the mystic grill. Once they got there they sat down on the outdoor tables.

"What are you getting?" Hope asks.

"I'll have whatever your getting." Lizzie says and then looks Hope in the eye.

Hope softly smiles and then the waitress comes by and asks for their order.

"Can I have one peanut butter blast with whipped cream on the bottom. And 2 straws please." Hopes says with a smile.

"Okay, that will be ready in about 5 to 10 minutes. Also you guys seem like a lovely couple." The waitress says.

"Oh we're n-" Hope gets cut off.

"Thank you." Lizzie says with a friendly smile.

The waitress smiles back and then leaves to attend to their order.

Hope looks back at Lizzie and looks at her with a "what the hell" face.

"What?" Lizzie asks.

"Nothing." Hope says.

Honestly Hope wouldn't mind if they were a couple because she was falling for LIZZIE FREAKING SALTZMAN.

Just like last night she pushed those thoughts to the side and started chatting with Lizzie. A few minutes go by and the waitress comes back with their drinks.

"One peanut butter blast with whipped cream on the bottom, and 2 straws." The waitress says while putting the drink down.

"Thank you." Hope says and then the waitress smiles and walks off.

Hope and Lizzie take sips of the milkshake out of their straws. They chat and honestly it was perfect. After a little while they pay and then leave the mystic grill. They make there way back to the Salvatore School. When they make it back Lizzie walks Hope back to her dorm.

"Thanks Lizzie." Hope says.

Lizzie hugs Hope and was about to walk off but Hope stopped her by grabbing Lizzies shoulder.

"Wait Lizzie." Hope says.

Lizzie turns around and is greeted by Hopes lips. Lizzie was shocked but kissed Hope back.
Lizzie and Hope went back into her dorm and shut the door. Hope muttered a barrier spell and then continued to kiss Lizzie. Hope went on the bed and Lizzie got on top of her. Hope let out a soft moan letting Lizzie enter her tongue into Hopes mouth. They explored each others mouth until Hope pulled away.

"Lizzie are you sure you want to do this?" Hope asked.

Lizzie didn't say anything she just kissed Hope so she took that as a yes.

They both took off all of there clothes and reconnected their lips. The night was amazing for both Lizzie and Hope. After they were finished they fell to the side and were both out of breath.

"That was amazing." Lizzie says and then look to Hope who was laughing

Hope gave Lizzie one more kiss on the lips and then trailed it down to her neck. Then she pulled away and the two of them fell asleep. Both extremely exhausted.

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