10: Bus

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Nandini's pov


I pushed Manik's leg to his side, but this guy is made up of iron I think, he didn't budged, not even a little and continued doing whatever he was doing on his phone

I've been trying to sit comfortably from so long but he has taken all the space

I Again pushed his shoulder but as usual failed.

" Manik, I'll fall down. Please move " I said politely but as always he ignored me and closed his eyes

This jerk of a crush is getting on my nerves!

Its already 11:00 pm and we aren't going to reach Goa till 8: 00 am, everybody has already slept, I was also feeling sleepy but Manik was not letting me sit.

He is behaving like he's the owner of both the seat, If anymore speed break would come, I would definitely fall down.

" Manik, no one is staring at you. You don't need to act this mean " I almost begged in a hope that he might have some sense left but no

The bus skid a little and I fall down with both my hands and legs on the floor. Embarassed, I looked around to see did anybody saw me falling, fortunately no one saw. Then, I turned my head towards Manik who continued acting like he's fast asleep, but I knew he isn't.

Sighing, I stood up and looked around at my Friends seat, all 3 of them were fast asleep, not only them almost everyone was sleeping because of all those shouts amd games we played.

" Manik, I know you're awake. Just move Please, I need to sleep" I hissed irritated

He didn't moved, if possible he took the whole seat leaving next to none space for me

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He didn't moved, if possible he took the whole seat leaving next to none space for me.

What does he want? Does he want me to stand whole way to Goa.

No response, Again!!

Thinking and looking around the bus once again in a hope to find any vacant seat, I didn't found any.

What should I do now? I'm sleepy

Taking a deep breathe, I looked at Manik, who was still acting like he's asleep

" Fine Manik Malhotra, if that's what you want. Now Don't blame me for the consequences " I gritted my teeth and slowly removed my shoes

Putting my feet on the seat, I sat on his lap with both my legs at the either side of his waist.

The second I sat he opened his eyes wide in shock and whisper yelled "What the Fuck? "

So much of sleeping, huh?

" I requested you a zillion times to move but you didn't, now save your popularity " I stated

Hearing me, he gritted his teeth and pushed me so hard that I lost my balance, but fortunately I got hold of the seat behind me which saved me from getting hurt.

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