14: No One Important

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Sorry for the mistakes

Nandini's pov

Day 745-
Today, I saw your interview by mistake, Henceforth I'm again here.

You know Manik, I act all good and ok but a single mention or a glance of you, I get back to square one and again, I had to start from Scratch.

Day 751-
It terrifies me to think, what if I never forget you, what if all my life when I meet someone new, I can never fall for them because they aren't you?

Day 759-
I want nothing but the best for you, I really do.

Its just that sometimes, I wish that the best for you was ME.

Silly, I know!

Day 800-
Its pathetic really, that how much I still hope its you and me in the end.

Day 849-
Manik, I'm not good in letting go, infact I'm worst in it that's why my circle is so small and compact that I can count on my fingers.

I don't usually let anyone affect me or get attached with them, still I don't know how, I got attached with you and now its very very hard for me to let go and act like you were never there.

Day 903-
Finally, College is over!

My internship for the last semester is also completed, so is my project and final Viva.

But you know Manik, I couldn't find a Job. The place where I was doing internship, they don't recruit freshers as full time employee.

I can't even describe how I'm feeling right now. I don't want to go Delhi and face the questioning eyes of my so called relatives.

Day 934-
Over you?
I don't know

Thinking about you?
Every Single Day

Day 969-
Today, Mumma forced me to go to some relatives with her. They were taunting me indirectly, how I did Aerospace Engineering after literally fighting with everyone and now I'm Jobless.

The worst part was I couldn't reply anything to them as somewhere they were right but again This too shall pass, right?

Day 982-
Sometimes, I lie awake at night thinking, what we could've been if you liked me as much as I do.

Day 990-

You know Manik, there is next to none scope for Aerospace Engineers in India. I have got a few job offers but they weren't from my Domain so, I didn't accepted them.

All my friends are working except me. Sometimes I think am I really this dumb who can't even secure a job?

I have no one with whom I can share these stuffs. I want to say so much but no one's willing to hear, everybody is ready with a piece of advice and I don't want that.

Everybody think I'm just an Immature kid who is lazy and don't want to do anything.

I freaking hate this, I wish you were here.

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