34- A new to way to apologise

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Sorry for the mistakes.

Nandini's pov

Sometimes, no actually all the times I want to strangle my manager for being such a big headache.

The past few days passed way too quickly and so as my sick leave now I have to do what I hate.

I hate my job, my designation and my work. Ironically people think that I'm doing job in my stream but truth to be told the job is frustrating to another level and in addition with that, my manager is a certified a-hole who tends to see nothing but work, I dread to go to work every single day, but again I've got no other option.

A girl gotta earn!

Cursing my manager and the piles of work I've to do today while getting ready infront of mirror and inbetween seeing the body laying on the bed sleeping comfortably made me so jealous that why I'm not some freaking CEO or actor or Pilot or just have a job where work stays at work.


Why there is no job to laze around?

Seeing the clock, I freaked out as it was already 8:15, by 9 I have to reach office, if not, then I'd be dead.

Not kidding!

Quickly wearing my white shoes with white T-shirt and blue jeans, I opened the door knob when a sleepy over-sexy voice stopped me " Uhh Where are you going? "

I was about to answer, but thankfully I remember what he did, so rolling my eyes was the best option at the moment which I did.


Waiting at the bus stop for past 10 mins, and to my luck no buses for my stop were coming. It was already 8:30, when suddenly a black sleek SUV stopped infront of me, giving me all the spotlight which I hated.

"Come on in " Manik Malhotra ordered from the driving seat wearing his Black T-shirt and trouser, with disheveled hair looking adorable and sexiest at the same time.

" I'm all yours Nandini, sit in the car then drool " he smirked cockily looking around making me realise people are not very much accustomed with a billionaire in a night suit and a sleepy eyes paired up with a develish smirk.

" Thanks but no thanks. I don't want your help infact I'll rather walk 1000 miles before taking your help " I answered rolling my eyes with a little sass

" Its 8:40, and as far as I know, your manager is one workaholic jerk who don't listen anything other than work, so drop your attitude wifey and sit " he answered giving me tight lipped smile

I hated that his words were absolutely right, so having no other option I simply sat but not before giving him a glare which he seems to reply by giving me a fly kiss.



" 200 " as soon as we reached, Manik uttered in a business tone

" Huh? " I asked confused

" The rent from there to here " he answered shrugging his shoulder like I am the most stupidest person in world

" So you want me to pay you? " I asked raising my eyebrows a little

" Yes. Cause I see you're independent enough to pay but as there was no option I helped you. Also, seeing your stubbornness, I don't think you'd forgive me ever if I try to lead you or give you something for free, you know so? " He replied taking out his palm while I bite my lower lips to stop my smile

Lets be honest, this is the first time someone is trying to apologise by not giving gifts or any luxurious things instead he put aside his ego and did what most of people would never do.

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