42- Result

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Sorry for the mistakes.

Nandini's pov

Manik took a step forward towards me, when his ex taunted " what a selfish low class girl, doesn't even care that her husband is dealing his dream project "

Hearing her, made me realise indeed I'm being selfish here. He's dealing with something very important but I ruined it.

I kept looking down waiting for Manik to scold or shout at me.

" May I ask, who are you to make such statements? " Manik's cold voice with nothing but anger filled the whole room. I peeked a little to see to whom is he asking

" You cannot talk with my wife like that, Mr. Malhotra " The man from the dinner whose name I again dont remember spoke loudly or rather offensively

I really should've waited!!

" oh so you think, that your so called wife can talk shit about mine? and I can't even ask a question " He literally growled this time

" B-but Manik, I didn't meant that, I only said as you've wor-" the lady spoke only to get interrupted

" Firstly its Mr. Malhotra for you. And secondly I dont give a flying fuck of what you meant and what not. Dream project or not you cannot disrespect her" He roared pointing his finger towards me, making me shiver

I kept looking down all this while cursing myself, couldn't I just wait for sometime

" You know what, I cannot allow myself to deal with people who can't respect my Wife. The deal is off " and just when I thought its over, he again spoke in a loud and calm tone.

His voice was calm, but his whole demeanor was like he's ready to kill someone.

Maybe he'll kill me!

I heard gasps from behind when he announced about the deal, turning a little I saw the receptionist and his secretary still standing there sweating like never before.

" I guess, I've made myself pretty clear. You may leave now " he stated sternly

" b-but Mr. Malhotra, you can't just cancel. All the hardwork of yours and us would be wasted"

" well, I can and I did " He uttered in a calm tone leaving no room for more discussion

" M-manik- "I tried my luck in stopping him, but one glare from him and my tears came running back.

" Everyone leave" he spoke taking a breathe, the room was in an eerie silence, no one did anything. It was like everyone is in some shock

A minute later, he roared " Leave " making me flinch

I was literally the first one to run from there, when a hand clutched my wrist pulling me back

" what? Where are you going? " He asked in confusion

" You said to leave " I mumbled in an almost inaudible voice

" that wasn't for you. Now tell me, what happened? " he asked softly

The moment he asked what happened, I remembered my results and all the anxiety came back making me cry once again

The room was finally silent with only me and him

" Bachha " He murmured, while I keep crying hiding my face with both my palms

" What happen? Is everything fine? Mom, Mumma? " He asked worriedly pulling me closer making my head land on his chest.

I didn't replied, instead wrapped my arms around him tightly. He quickly lifted me up in that position and made me sit on his desk

" Nandini, if you won't say anything, how will I know what's wrong? " He spoke softly caressing my hairs

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