28: Club

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Sorry for the mistakes.

Manik's pov

" Alya, Alya where is my Manik? " I saw Nandini poking Alya with her fingers making me realise she's drunk heavily

20 minutes in the club and she's drunk to the next level. I knew taking her here is going to be a bad idea but my friends were so persistent as I already postponed this plan for about 12 days, henceforth, I got no other option but to come

Glaring at my friends, I spoke gritting teeth" I went out for 10 minutes. 10 fuckin' minutes "

" Not our fault, Manik. You were flirting with some girl, she saw that, and before we could do anything she drank the whole vodkaaa" Cabir sang finding the situation funny

I closed my eyes taking deep breath controlling my anger and then hissed at him " I wasn't flirting, you know this, the girl came and started seducing, FYI I jerked her off "

" We know but your wife don't" Dhruv shrugged his shoulder looking at Nandini who was in some other world.

I remember the last time she drank on her building terrace. God, she gave me huge bite all over my neck murmuring ' I'm very bad, manipulator and what not'

I was still standing reminiscing the past while rubbing my forehead in worry thinking how will I handle her , without drinking she always run and yell, now I don't know.

" Alya, where is my Manik? Did he left me for that model girl? " I heard her asking Alya once again like a kid who lost her favourite toy

I cleared my throat to gain her attention, but she was too busy to notice

" No, Nandini. He didn't left you. Turn around and look " Alya answered sweetly

Frowning her eyebrows, She turned and saw me standing, her frown turned into a full teeth smile and without any ado she stood on the couch nearby

" Manik Manik Manik " she sang happily jumping and I thank God that she is wearing Jeans otherwise it'd have been a huge disaster

When she feels happy, She have a habit of saying everything atleast 3 times.

Childish, I know!
Do I love this habit of hers?

I was busy noticing her antiques when she frowned " but why there are five-five Manik? "

I literally face palmed myself, my friends were laughing like we are in a theatre and some rom com is going on.

" Nandi-" before I could complete, I heard her murmuring to herself " which one is my Manik? All are looking same"

Her tone and face was laced in confusion and worry, looking beside me like analysing the other Maniks to find which one is Me, she finally yelled a minute or two later " yes, this one is my Manik"

Announcing, she was about to jump in the vacant space just beside me when I stopped her by her arms.

Not having any other option, I spoke or more like whispered so that my friends couldn't hear " I-uh I am yo-your M-Manik "

She didn't said for a while, kept staring my face for few seconds and then spoke innocently " but you're not scowling or glaring or ordering me, you're not mine. Even though, You're looking cute and kind but I want my arrogant Manik only "

My friends started laughing like never before making me scowl. I glared at her hard

What does she think of me?

" That glare, yes yes yes. You're my Manik. Look Alya I found my Love. See, he is glaring means he's mine " she said happily jumping on the couch explaining Alya.

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