004. Or Meth Lab.

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      WHEN THEY arrived to the Coast Guard office, many people were there around the desk and yelling over one another. John B went to the desk and tried to talk to the guy arguing with a couple in front of him. Even JJ tried helping tell the Coast Guard.

But they kept getting ignored, until the man shouted at John B to calm down as the woman went on about some diabetic dog. The group of teens exit now, "well, that went well." Pope says as he stuffs his hands into his pockets.

"So, what's the plan?"

"I think I know how we're gonna find the guy who owns that boat." John B says, raising the motel key he then examined. "We don't know whose room it is, JB. It could be anyone's." Josie says as Pope nods, pointing at her. "I'm in." JJ said and grabbed the keys, tossing them over to Kie who Josie turns to look at. "Come on. The three of us will be lookout." She says, smiling widely at the two who sigh.

"Finder's fee. Just saying. And hey, at least you guys will only be accomplices." John B says, shrugging at them as Josie rolls her eyes. "Fine. Come on, Pope. Gotta keep the dummies from doing dumb shit." She said, patting John B harshly on the back as they walk back to the boat so they can go to the motel.

As they arrived, Josie stood up and held onto John B's shoulder for support as JJ whistles. "And I thought the Chateau looked bad." JJ says as he brings out the anchor. "This place is a shitshow." John B says.

"Motel or meth lab?"

"You be the judge."

As they get closer, Josie sighs. "It doesn't look like the type of place somebody with a Grady-White stays." She says. "No. Looks like a place someone with a Grady-White would get killed." Pope says making her look to him with wide eyes. "Alright, here we go."

"This is your captain speaking. HMS Pogue comin' in for landing." JJ says before he jumps off, pushing the boat slightly before John B walks over. "I'm coming with you guys." Josie said, following him and Kie stops her. "What? Why?" She said as the dark haired girl looked over at her. "Why not? I have to make sure they don't do something dumb or fuck up... I'll be fine." She says and Kie nodded.

"I'm not making promises." John B says as he turns to Kie for the motel key. "Be careful." She says as she hands him the key. "I mean it." She says and he nods, chuckling. "Yeah." He says, walking over to Josie who was jumping off the boat and hitting JJ's hand.

"I don't need your help to get off a boat, J." She says and he raised his arms. "I was being a gentleman." He said as they lead the way. "Why are all these mattresses out here?" Josie asked as they walked down the way to the hotel room. "After the hurricane, they have to ditch 'em cause they're all moldy." JJ says as Josie kept looking down at the key in her hands.

She had asked John B for it and was leading the way, walking ahead of them. When she heard JJ whispering something about Kiara, she stopped and spun around making them look up. "Are you guys being gross?" She asked and JJ merely shook his head. "Not at all."

"I heard something about, uh... what was it... A John D?" She says while crossing her arms. "Can we just keep going?" John B begs. "If you guys shut about Kie for once, sure..." She kept going and JJ shows up by her, putting his arm around her. "Getting jealous, Jo? Don't worry, I only have eyes on you." He said as he raised his hand to pinch her on the cheek.

"Stop, JJ!" She shoved him off and hit his hand away. "Here it is... 229." She said as she pointed at the room door. "Okay..." JJ says, standing on the other side of it as John B comes to stand in between them. JJ knocks on the door, "housekeeping." He says in a high pitched voice making Josie look at him.

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