016. 400 Mil.

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     THEY SAT at the dock now, Kiara playing on her ukelele as Josie watched her. "How much was it again?" JJ broke the silence, making the brown haired girl quickly glance away. "400 mil." Pope says as Kie set down her ukelele. "Alright, let's talk about the split." JJ says, turning to face Pope, Josie and Kiara.

"Now, before we say "evenly," may I remind you that I am the only one that can properly defend us from those groupers who were after us." He stated as he raised the gun as if it were any casual item, like a smartphone.

Josie stared at the boy with a slight grimace on her face. She doesn't like guns. "Protection? Not cheap, okay?" The blond goes on to explain, looking at them. "You haven't trained. You've done zero training." Pope said, looking up at JJ. "YouTube, bro! That's at least a five percent bump right there." JJ says.

"You haven't--" "Any objections? Didn't think so." JJ quickly cut off Pope and Josie just glanced around the group as Kie raised her hand. "I don't hear any, so..." JJ says and Josie just rolls her eyes as she glanced away. "Well, I mean, you guys can split the money between you guys... Not like I need it." She says, raising her beer and taking a sip and Kie glanced around. "What are you gonna do with your 100 mil, then, Pope?" She asked him curiously.

Pope glanced away, nodding softly as he spoke, "pay for college in advance. And also, textbooks. Those are expensive." He says and Josie smiles at the fact the boy was always thinking of his education, his future. "What about you, Kie?" JJ said as he glanced at her. "Yeah, what does a socialist do when she's rich?" Pope said, looking at her and Kie chuckles as she glanced down, thinking.

She looked at Josie, "I'm gonna share it with my girl," she reached out and grabbed Josie's hand gently. "50/50," she said and Josie's heart flutters as she looked at the girl. "And I just wanna make a double album." Kie said, looking at the two boys. "About OBX, the Pogues..." She said, her hand squeezing Josie's.

Pope chuckles as Kie's smile widen. "You know, the way Catch a Fire is about Kingston. Record it at Marley Studio, Peter Tosh producing." She says and Josie looks at her. "Peter Tosh--" "Peter Tosh is dead. I know." The girl cut Josie off as she glanced up. "Spirit of Peter Tosh will never die." She says, smiling as she raised her beer and Josie just smiled back.

She feels like she just falls deeper in love with Kie everytime they spend time together. "Actually, I know what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna get a big ass house on Figure Eight and go full Kook." JJ said, his eyes are on Josie who glanced at him and chuckled.

"Just like me?" She joked and he nods. "Yup. But I'm gonna get a marble statue of myself, and then I'm gonna get a koi pond." He said and the two girls and Pope chuckle. "Put a bunch of those fish--" "I'm never visiting." Kie said and Josie just glanced at her.

"What about you, Josie? What will you wanna do with our shared 100 mil?" Kie says, squeezing her best friend's hand in hers and Josie is at a loss for words. She glanced to JJ and Pope, sure enough their eyes are on her, curious of what she'll say and she chuckles. "Whatever you wanna do, Kie... And um, you know, I don't even need it, we don't have to share." Her hands fondled Kie in hers as she spoke and Kiara just smiled softly at the girl.

"There must be something that you want." She said, her grin grows larger and Josie just stares at her. Yeah. And that's for Kie to always smile as brightly as she does now, to be happy, with whatever, or whoever. Josie smiles back, "um, well, I guess a new laptop would be nice, it got pretty messed up just a couple days ago." She said, a pretty simply want she can get anytime now and the others laugh, "no, think bigger, Josie." JJ says and Josie glanced over at her, thinking of what to say.

"Uh... a car." She says, smiling big. "My parents don't want me to get one because I don't have my license so I'd like to get one on my own." She shrugs and JJ smiled, his eyes on hers. "What brand and model?" He asked.

"A Chevrolet Impala Convertible..." Her answer is fast and she smiled softly, glancing around. "It's a really nice car and... I'd like one in black, it looks... cool." She chuckled softly and Kie just smiled, staring at her side profile. It was actually a pretty cool car and Josie's dream car, for sure, but dreams are what they are. Just dreams. Sometimes they don't happen, sometimes they do but she's not too hopeful.

"What are you gonna do, JB?" Pope asked and all their attention is drawn over to the boy who had been quietly sitting on the railing, leaning against a pillar and drinking a beer. He looked over at them, "to going full Kook." Kie smiles, glancing at Josie who is already staring at her. They all raise their drinks, "to going full Kook." The other four say in sync.

The next day, they headed out to the "X" that Big John marked on the map in the envelope he left behind for John B. On their way, JJ whistles before nodding ahead, "you guys see that?" He asked and Josie looked over. And it's a boat. "That's the Malibu 24-MXZ, the world's finest wakesetter." He turns to them and Josie crossed her arms. "Number one in luxury, quality and performance." He says.

"And like 200k... That's my twin brother's boat." Josie said as the boat got closer. "We picked the wrong parents." Pope says, watching the boat intently. As they got closer, Josie rolled his eyes when she saw Nova driving the boat as Topper and Sarah were behind him, the blonde girl raising her sunglasses.

"You don't have to act like you don't see us, bitch." Kie said when she noticed Sarah's look and Josie chuckled softly. "Yep. Not surprising they're with him in the first place... wherever Nova goes, Sarah goes." He says.

the way playing dbd and writing my fics is my only comfort at the moment lol

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