014. The Tape.

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THE VAN comes to a stop in front of Shady Acres, a nursing home, and Pope is the first one out with JJ opening the door for them, Josie got out and turned to Kie, grabbing her hand gently but Pope stopped the pair. "Hey, actually, I think I'm gonna do this one by myself." He says and his eyes had darted to their connected hands a few times so Josie pulls hers away, crossing them over her chest.

She nods with a small smile. "Are you sure?" Kie asked her and Pope nods. "I can handle it. I'll be fine." He says and Josie just glanced at JJ who shrugs before Pope walked away. "Okay, man. Pick you up in a bit." John B just waved at him as JJ got back into the van, before they drove off. Josie glanced at Kie, before looking away with a sigh coming out.

"Uh, stop by Kildare?"

They head to the surf shop where Kie and Sarah head in and the boys stayed in the van with Josie. "Remember when life was simple?" JJ suddenly asked them as Josie was leaning her head against the window. "Yeah, like seven days ago." John B tells the boy.

Josie giggles, "seven days." She does in a creepy voice to copy the killer from the Ring movie. "You're such a dork." JJ pointed at her and she just smiled wider. "I mean, dudes, think about it," John B suddenly says, looking at them. "Ward's still out there, and he's got the gold." He says and JJ nods. "I know, I know." He says. "And he killed my dad."

"John B, we know. And we won't let that go." Josie says, putting her hand to his shoulder. "But I'm worried about you, man. It feels like it's either you or him." JJ says and Josie sighs, looking away. "And you know who else I'm worried about? Sarah." He says shortly after as the two girls came out the surf shop.

"Yeah... like it's her dad." Josie said as she's now leaning between them. "You see what we're saying?" JJ looks over at John B. "She knows what he did. Alright, so what's the deal with this Limbrey chick?" He asked, looking at Josie and JJ. "Pope said she has evidence on tape that could put Ward away, right?"

"Yup. On the other hand though, she did try to kidnap Pope, and--" "but think about it, alright? If we can get that evidence, it's done." John B cut off Josie who looks at him right away. "We could put Ward away for good and finally get justice for my dad." He says and Josie looks at JJ. "This can be all over in one shot, guys. I get it, it's dangerous." John B says.

"Good thing your best friend's JJ Maybank." The blond says and Josie chuckled, ruffling his hair. "Cause I already got a plan." He says and Josie looks at John B. "Hopefully it's better than springing me out of jail." He says and Josie looks at JJ again, furrowing her brows. "What was that plan anyway?" She asked.

"Not important. Listen up."

Outside, Sarah looks at Kie, "of course I thanked Topper. He saved my life, and I'd put him through so much already. And you'd think that that is the crime of the century." The blond says and Kie glanced at her. "Tell me about it. All of this crazy shit's happening, and Pope's giving Josie the cold shoulder and me the silent treatment because... I chose her over him." She looked at Sarah who looks back at her right away. "And we're the dramatic ones."

"Sure." Kie and Sarah giggle together and then the blonde nudged the brunette softly. "And Josie?" She says and the taller just shrugs, blushing as she grins. "I-I don't know... It seems... all so nice and new. I'm scared to mess it up like I always do." She says, looking at Sarah who shook her head softly.

"Josie's so whipped for you, no matter what you'll do, she'll always be by your side." She says and Kie just smiled, blushing as she looked to the van. "Hey," she said and held out the other cup in her hand. "Cherry coca-cola." She says and Josie just smiled big at her.

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