015. I Got You.

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     ON THE way to the Camerons, police cars zoom past in front of them. "Oh, my God. Can you please hurry? I need to be there for Wheezie." Sarah says to John B. "You think I wanna miss this?" He asked making the blonde look at him with furrowed brows.

When they arrived, John B stops the vehicle on the side of the road and they all jump out, looking over the fence. "Screw it, I'm going over." John B says when he saw the cops running to the dock. "Right behind you." JJ says and kneeled down. "I got you, come on." He tells Josie who climbs over. "Thanks." She says and Kie climbs over as Pope helps Sarah.

"Thank you!" Kie says as Josie grabs her hand, helping her. Sarah gets over next along with JJ and Pope before they run to the house. "Wheezie!" Sarah runs over to his sister coming outside with Rose. "What's going on? Why are the police here again?" She asked as Sarah hugs her. "Go inside. Don't come out." The girl tells her younger sister.

They run down to the dock, "dad!" Sarah shouts. "You gotta let us through." John B says as the cops try to stop them so Kie and Pope raise their hands, as did JJ and Josie. "That's Sarah Cameron, let her through!" Shoupe shouted to his deputies. "What are you doing here, Sarah?" Ward shouted to his daughter.

"Dad! What are you doing?"

"Vic, you gotta get her out of here! She can't be here right now!" Ward shouted as the boys, Josie and Kie, stood behind Sarah. "Just come on in, and you-you can talk to her!" Ward yells out to the man on his boat. "Sarah, I'm so sorry, baby. I can't!" Ward shouted.

"What are you doing? Dad, no, no, no!" Sarah shouted to him. "Ward, this ain't gonna end the way you want it to!" Shoupe yelled at the man who glanced back at the cop patrol boats speeding his way. "You don't need her seeing this." He gestured to Sarah.

"No, dad, don't leave! Where are you going?"

"I love you!"

As they continued shouting at the man, what happened next was nothing they'd expected. The boat blew up. "Holy shit!" All of them stood there, ataring at the boat as Sarah gasped, "no, no." She says, her voice breaking. "Dad! Dad!" She shouted out, crying. "No!" Sarah yelled, crying. "Dad!" She sobbed out.

"Sarah!" Nova came running down the pier with Topper. Nova came to her side, pulling her in as she fell to the ground, reaching out towards the boat as she cried and yelled. "Sarah," Nova says, worriedly as he rubs her back. Topper came to her other side and held her as well as she cried and shouted out.

John B looks down at the three, Sarah was leaning towards Topper as Nova rubbed her back. "It's alright. I got you." Nova whispered and Sarah turns to him, wrapping her arms around his neck, sobbing into his shoulder.

They all went home after that as Sarah went to be with her family, Nova went with her and the ride back to the Chateau was quiet. Everyone went their separate ways for the rest of the day and then when night came, Josie couldn't sleep as Kie laid beside her, listening to music through her ear buds. Josie leaned closer, reaching out to take one to put on. "Shit, you fucking scared me." Kie whispers and Josie chuckles. "Sorry." She whispered back.

The song is familiar. Dark Red by Steve Lacy. Josie raised her hand to the side of Kie's face, leaning up to kiss her passionately and the girl kissed back. They lay on their sides, facing one another. Only you, my girl. Only you, babe. Josie pulled back, keeping her forehead against Kie's. "Hey, what's wrong?" Kie cups her face when she saw Josie's tears.

"I-I'm fine." Josie smiled, sniffling as she glanced down and Kie frowned. "Talk to me... is everything okay?" She says quietly and Josie just grabs both of Kie's hands, pulling them close to her face. She kissed Kie's knuckles, keeping them pressed to her cheek as she sighs. "I-I've just been worried about my parents, lately... That's all." She says quietly.

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