007. Six O'Clock.

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THE NEXT day, Josie woke up in her bed, the memories of the night before playing in her head like a bad recap of the beginning of every episode. She groaned and got up, rubbing her eyes. They agreed to meet up at John B's today, so she decided to shower, make herself look decent and then ate breakfast.

She sipped her cup of coffee and occasionally glanced up at Nova and Sarah sitting across her, sipping these weird lattes, she doesn't even remember the name of. "What?" She said harshly when she noticed Nova's stare.

"Nothing..." Nova glanced down then side-eyed Sarah who just bit into her toast, a tradition they had, after every party that they attended together, Sarah stays the night at the Forbes home, in separate beds, of course, or Nova stays the night at the Camerons', also in separate beds. Not that either of them would ever do that with each other. They were clearly just best friends, nothing more, nothing less.

It seemed more like they were the twins as of lately, as of lately as in since Nova and Jo were little kids, at the mere age of seven, since Nova declared he and Josie start having separate birthday parties, his first then hers, just as how they were born. "Whatever..." Josie says, biting into her almond butter covered toast with banana slices on top of it.

"Hi! Good morning!" Millie Rutherford entered the kitchen, brightening up the room with her wide grin at the twins and Sarah. "Lovely day isn't it?" She asked as she walked over to the coffee pot to pour herself and Bellamy a cup. "Yep... Just peachy." Josie said, glancing at Nova and Sarah yet once more.

"Oh, Lee, can I burrow your car?" Nova suddenly asked their sister's girlfriend, who glanced over. "What for?" She asked with a raised brow and he shrugs. "Picking some groceries up." He says and Josie rolls her eyes.

That was the lamest excuse for picking up drugs. He takes Lee's kindness for advantage too many times. Except, it actually wasn't for drugs, he was actually going to the grocery store to pick up some food. For tonight. "Mom and dad are flying in this evening. I want you all dressed and neat by six o'clock. Ready to greet them home." Bellamy said, walking into the kitchen while putting on her ears.

"Oh! Sarah, you're welcomed too, if you'd like." She put on her best smile because, why? Ward Cameron invests a lot into their business. So she's a suck up to the whole family, except for Rafe Cameron who she's repeatedly had to say no too because he was younger and not exactly her type, considering she's lesbian.

"Oh, no thanks... I have a lot to do today, but thanks for the invite, Bell. You're always too kind to me." And Sarah always falls for it, smiling back at the woman who just nods before walking over to Lee, putting her hands to her waist and kissing her cheek. "Good morning, lover." Bellamy whispered and smiled.

"They're so cute it's kind of annoying..." Nova whispered and Sarah giggled. "We better go..." She says now, standing up as Josie sighed, getting up. "I gotta go get ready. Bye." She said and left the room, feeling left out. Bellamy and her girlfriend. Kook prince and princess. She walks into her bedroom, sighing as she finished the last bite of her toast.

She packed up her backpack of her usual things, before leaving her bedroom, heading downstairs and out the backdoor. She smiled when she saw JJ on the HMS Pogue, "hey loser." She said, approaching the boat. "Rude... you're the one that asked for a ride. Be more nicer, please?" He says and she shrugs softly.

"I'll try." She said and then went to sit down beside him, glancing at him with a smile before they headed over to the Chateau. At the Chateau, they mostly sat around and Josie was just watching Kie patting onto some bongos. "Look, I'm calling it off, alright?" John B said as he turned to look at his friends.

"Peterkin said, if I stay out of the marsh, she'll help me with DCS." John B explained to them as Josie looked over at Kie. "And you believed her?" JJ asked him. "Yes, I believe her, JJ." He said as they all look over at him now.

"An actual cop, John B. You believed a cop." He said as he now tossed a rock. "All I gotta do is stay out of the marsh for a couple days, and she'll help me out. And it doesn't help that your ass was the one shooting a gun." John B said as he tossed the stick he was holding to the ground. "You know what I should have done, man? I should have just let Topper drown your ass." JJ said and Josie looked over at him.

"Dude!" She exclaimed. "Yeah, cause Topper was gonna drown me?" John B asked. "Sure looked like it." JJ said as he stood up. "I mean, have you looked in the mirror?" He asked. "Tell me some more. Come on," John B says.

"They always win, don't they, man? Kooks versus Pogues. They always, always win!" JJ said and turned around, "Goddamn!" He exclaimed. "Look, it's okay!" Kie said, looking at JJ. "No, it's not okay! It is not! They don't want us to go down into the marsh. That means there's somsthing valuable down there, and you know it, man," JJ said, pointing at John B.

"I know you do. And I understand why you don't wanna go." He now looked at Pope. "You're the golden boy. You got way too much to risk, and you two--" he looked at Kie and Josie looking up at him. "I mean, you're both already rich as fuck anyway." He said and Kie looks away, furrowing her brows as Josie grimaced. "Why would you two even bother?"

He looked at John B, "but you and me, man, we got nothin' to lose!" He said as he shook his head. "We really don't," "JJ," John B tried to butt in. "Alright? And I know it didn't use to be that way for you." JJ added on even more.

"I don't want to talk about this. I don't want to talk about it." John B refused, trying to walk past the blond boy. "So that's it?" JJ said, grabbing his arm. "Just get out of my way, bro." John B said, walking away as JJ turns around. "John B, just listen to me. I have a plan."

Kie glanced at Pope then Josie before looking back over to JJ who was now telling John B what to do about the wreck. And because JJ is always  convincing, John B headed over to the Camerons where he went to "burrow" scuba gear as they waited at the Chateau.

"So, how is he gonna get his boss to agree to him burrowing the suba stuff?" Josie asked, her legs were over Kie's lap as she relaxed in her seat. "Burrow? You know what we meant by burrow." JJ said, glancing up as he was rolling a joint. "What?" Josie said loudly.

"He's stealing that shit, Jo."



i love writing for this fic mostly because i missed the season one vibes a lot 😭

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