Chapter -4

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Kiyotaka pov

After the end of the homeroom I went to the convenience store to pick some ingredients.

Most of the students either went to their dorms or the load ones formed groups and went to karoke.

“My, what an unpleasant coincidence.”
Entering the convenience store, I ran into seatmate -chan  once again.

"Why are you being so rude seatmate -chan"

I could tell that she was starting to get angry.

"I told you before don't call me that "
She said

"But I don't know your name so I have no other option"

"Ok then my name is Horikita Suzune satisfied"

"But I think seatmate chan is better don't you think "I asked

She was glaring daggers at me

"Ok ok fine Horikita"I said

Now that I think about it the student council president  name was Manabu Horikita.

If I asked her about this Most  likely she would just ignore me or get angry so I will restraint myself.

While looking around the store , I’d found
something strange. Some toiletries and food had been tucked away in the
corner of the convenience store. At first glance, they appeared to be the same
as the other items, but there was one big difference.

Horikita apparently also thought it strange, so she picked up one of the
items. Daily necessities like toothbrushes and bandages had been stuffed into

a clearance bin and labeled “Free.” The bin was also marked with the proviso.

“three items per month.” These were obviously different from the store’s
other goods.she said

“They must be emergency relief supplies for students who use up their

This school is so incredibly lenient,” I said.

As I thought something is definitely off but I pushed those thoughts to the back of my head when I heard a argument.

"Hey first year punk get out here "a guy said

There were two guys  most probably second years or third years.

"What did you say you bastard "the red haired boy said

He was the same boy who refused to introduce himself in class.

"What a cocky bastard let me guess you are In Class D aren't you "

"Yeah so what "

"I knew this was a dead giveaway"the senpai said

After that they both started laughing at the red haired boy.

The red haired boy was close to losing his temper I could see that there were many cameras in the hallway they were arguing on.

Somehow the two senpais where standing in a position in which  if a fight where to happen  there actions could be captured perfectly by the cameras.

"Hello"I said in a loud voice

Now all of three of  them where looking at me.

"What do you want !"red haired guy shouted

"Calm down I am your classmate"I said

Because Sudo did not stay for the self introduction.I could conclude that he didn't know me.

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