Chapter-6 Meeting

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Kiyotaka pov

I am currently sitting in the Library waiting for Kushid,Hirata and karuizawa.

I choose a less popular place because the contents of the metting could give us a advantage against other classes.

I looked around and could only find 4 students reading books in the library.

From the distance they are sitting.It won't be possible to hear our conversation even if they wanted to.

After sometime Kushida came

"Hello Ayanokouji-kun"

And she showed me a bright smile as always.

I was thinking doesn't her face hurt
After smiling so much.

Then we talked about stuff like my place,last school and all.

Which contained 90% of lies.

I wanted to ask her about Horikita because on the first day Kushida s behaviour towards Horikita was quite

But I pushed the thought to the back of my mind because I think she was not comfortable with telling me.

And I didn't want to make her uncomfortable.

Shortly after sometime Hirata and Karuizawa also came but there were 2  more girls with them.

The other two girls where Matsushita and Sato.

I could tell from Hirata face that he was felling sorry because Kushida told him to come with Karuizawa alone.

But he also brought Sato  and Matsushita.I can understand his position he must have tried to come alone with Karuizawa but the girls didn't leave him alone.

I sighed internally felling a little bad for Hirata.

Everyone sat In there seats.Hirata and  Karuizawa sat beside Kushida.

But the thing was I was sitting in the middle of both Sato and Matsushita.

I don't know why but Both Sato and Matsushita had a slight blush on there cheeks.

"I am sorry I brought these two with me aswell is there any problem "hirata asked while bowing.

"No there is no problem"I said

Even if he had not brought them with him they would know all about it when I inform the class about it.

Actually this could be good.if a lot of people support my theory then the other will also believe it.

I then explained all the information I aquired yesterday.

Hearing about my theory their eyes widened in surprise.

"Does that mean we won't get 100,000 points next month "karuizawa asked

" according to the information yes "

"Thank God we didn't buy alot of stuff"said sato

"You are very observant aren't you Ayanokouji-kun"said Matsushita

"That's because I was a loner for a longtime"

"Yeah Ayanokouji-kun was very handsome when he smiled aswell "
Said Sato meekly

Everybody was now looking at Sato who was blushing madly

"N.... nothing"Sato said

"But should we talk about this with Horikita-san"asked Kushida

"I told her about the meeting but she didn't want to come"I said

"But aren't you two  very close she only talks to you in the class"Karuizawa said

"We  thought you were dating or something "Matsushita said

"No nothing like that we are just friends"I said

I dont know why but the three girls were sighing with relief.

Where they thinking that I and Horikita were dating or something.

"We just have to convince everybody in our class right "Hirata asked

"Yes that is the plan "I said

We exchanged each others contact information and parted ways.

I went to my room and laid down on my bed.

Am I doing the right thing.After this my peaceful life will surely be over.

Other classes may find me as a threat and my popularity will also rise.

There is nothing I can do now.

Due to fatique I drifted of to sleep.

Next day

I woke up early and did my workout routines.Took a shower, ate my Breakfast and got ready to go.

I wanted to reach  the classroom early so that I could observe every student.

I was standing infront of the lift.
When the Lift opened I saw Horikita was standing inside.

"Getting inside or not "she asked

"Yes I am coming "I said

"You are very early today "she asked in curiosity

"I could ask you the same thing "

"I always go to school early there is no particular reason "she said

Normally I could just lis to her but I wanted to show how superior I am to her.

This was important for Horikita because if she continued to act superior and ignorant she would just drag the class down

"Do you want to know the reason why I came to the school early "I asked

"No not particularly  "she said

"But I will tell you just this once. today you are going to see  something very amazing "I said

"What do y-"she was cut off by kushida

"Good morning Ayanokouji-kun"she said

" Good morning"I replied sternly

I don't know why but I find it quite hard to talk with Kushida.

After a lot of awkward moments we finally reached the classroom.

Shortly after all the students also entered the classroom.

When Chabashira sensei was teaching us.There was no change in the behaviour of kushida and Hirata.

But there was a noticable change in the behaviour of karuizawa,Sato and Matsushita.

Unlike yesterday during which they were just talking to each or playing with there phones.

They were paying attention to the class.

Atleast they were trying to pay attention.

Chabashira sensei noticed there strange behaviour and smirked.

After the end of the Homeroom.

I went up to the podium and glanced at Hirata.

He nodded and gathered the attention of everyone.

Now all the eyes where on me waiting for hearing what I was going to say.

Koenji ignored everything and went out of the classroom like always.

"Hello everyone I am standing here to inform you about some information about the School system "I said in a slightly commanding voice ...........................


❤️Hope you enjoyed this chapter ❤️

💕Bye bye bye bye💕

❣️If you have any advise please tell me in the comments❣️

👑Have a nice day everyone 👑

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