♡ Dealing With Sibling Issues ~ Izzy ♡

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Heyyy! I'm Izzy and I'm going to help you deal with sibling issues

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Heyyy! I'm Izzy and I'm going to help you deal with sibling issues. I have nine, so I have experience.

~One time, my sister Piper was bullied. She came to me and explained what happened, leaving no details out. I smiled and talked to her about it.

I told her, "If this person is bullying you, they may have something going on in their own life. Maybe try talking to them about it?"

The next time I saw her, she told me that everything had gone well and that her and the bully were now friends.

If you struggle with siblings being rude, disruptive, or disrespectful, message me or the squad. Before doing that, though, try talking to them and seeing if that helps. If it doesn't, I'm always here to help!

Hi! I'm going to extend this chapter a bit in dedication to @peridoze 

So, I heard from the fellow admins and founders of the Positivity squad that this user has had issues with their sister. 

It is our job here in the Positivity Squad to prevent this. 

I haven't experienced this with my siblings myself, but my take on this situation is

A) Talk to your parents and see if they can help, rather than your Aunt/Uncle. 

B) Try to handle it by putting your cousin in the situation. Maybe point out something that isn't so perfect about them and say gently, "How would you like it if you were teased because of this little flaw?"

C) Talk to your sister, even if she is mentally like a toddler, and tell her not to think anything of it. It isn't her fault, and your cousin will eventually stop if she knows it doesn't affect anyone. 

Sorry for the lack of advise, but I tried :)

Hope this helped!


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