♡How To Deal With Anxiety, Depression, & how to deal with it at School ~ Brooke

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Hi Amazing Beautiful People, This is How to Deal With Anxiety and Depression and How to Deal with it at school, Here Is My Story


The First Day I Went to School, I Was Scared and Everyone Could See That, I Got Whispered about, Approached to See What I Was Like But I stayed Still and Quiet Due to My Social Anxiety and Normal Anxiety, It's Hard To Deal With it, The Depression I Got Described as The Sad, Depressed Lonely Girl,

Trust Me It Is Hard

But You Will Get Through it

How depression and anxiety effects teens

When checking in on yourself to make sure depression and anxiety aren't, here are the major signs to look out for.


As your patience wears thin, it gets difficult to deal with kids you don't like or put up with teachers hounding you. at teachers or other kids.

Self-esteem problems

It's tough to get through the day or your work that revolves around achievement. You're expected to perform well in class, in sports, or in social situations. If you criticize yourself constantly, being "always-on" at school feels overwhelming.

Decreased motivation

When you're feeling down and tired, it's hard to make yourself do things you don't want to do. Grades and attendance can suffer.

Sleep problems

making it hard to focus in class, think clearly and quickly, and keep up with your multiple responsibilities.


Especially for anxious teens, the need to be perfect can affect everything you do. You begin to expect too much, do too much, and criticize yourself too much. Even minor mistakes can be devastating when you've lost a more forgiving perspective.

Substance abuse

It's natural for adolescents to experiment with alcohol or drugs, but for teens with depression or anxiety, the temptation, or pressure, to feel different or escape your emotions can lead to addiction.

Social problems

If you're feeling down, If you're anxious, you might avoid social situations because you worry about embarrassment or rejection.

Don't Ever Feel Alone. Me and The Positivity Squad are Here for you

Love y'all

Brookelynn / Brooke

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