Chapter 10

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Chase and I haven't said a word to each other since the shower incident this morning. I think he's as embarrassed as I am. We check out of the hotel, and hail a taxi, "where to?" the driver asks unemotionally, "The airport." Chase instructs, his voice is hoarse. He clears his throat and looks out the window. I can see the red tinge of his embarrassed face. I long to ask him what was going on, but I know that if he doesn't want to talk, he won't talk.

It takes us an hour to get to the airport at the center of the island. An hour is eternity, especially when it is dead silent the whole way there. Chase and I make eye contact a few times before we both look away, not wanting to say anything. After we get to the airport, pay the taxi driver, and go inside I finally say, "Are we going to talk about this? Or pretend that it didn't happen? He glances at me before walking ahead of me to the security checkpoint. I sigh and follow him, clearly he doesn't want to talk about it, but I am determined to get him to talk to me before we board that plane. Before we go back to the real world.

As soon as we are seated in the terminal to wait for the plane I turn to him, "Ok, no excuses, no leaving, we are going to talk about this." I say looking at him. He groans and looks back at me, it is painfully obvious that he would rather be anywhere but here right now, "What is there to talk about? I was in your bathroom, you we showering, I waited,mGod knows why, and you caught me. Ok, that's it. There isn't any deep psychological debate that we need to have right now." he looks at me, his eyes pleading for me to let it go. I sigh, "If this is about Chris--" he cuts me off, "Stop, it's not about Chris. It's about me figuring out what I want right now. Believe it or not I can make some decisions on my own. They aren't all based on promises that I have made to other people. I'm going to get something to drink." with that he gets up and stalks away.

I sigh and watch him, I can see the tension in his shoulders as he turns the corner. As soon as he is gone I check my phone, the plane doesn't board for another hour, he'll be fine. I decide to text my parents to tell them that we are in the airport waiting to board. While I am looking at my phone, someone sits down next to me. Chase must have changed his mind about getting a drink, unless that was the quickest drink anyone has ever gotten in their entire life, "I'm sorry." I mutter before looking up at him, "Really?" my head snaps up, focussing on the emerald green eyes that stare back at me, "Because that is probably the last thing I expected to hear you say."

Will smiles at me. It holds a trace of his smug, I know I'm famous, smile, but the is a bit of sincerity there too, "Will what are you doing here?" he frowns at me, looking around the airport, "Waiting for my flight. Isn't it obvious? What else would I be doing here? Stalking you?" he tips his head back and laughs loudly, causing a few people to turn in our direction, "wait, you're on my flight." He nods, "of course, I had to be back at the same time as you for filming purposes. They are ready to get rolling again. J. R. Scott told me that we are close to wrapping." he smiles and takes a sip out of the water bottle he is holding.

"You can't be here will. If Chase sees you--" "What, he'll get all jealous and moody like last time?" his eyes twinkle with amusement. I glare at him, "It's more than that." I begin, how can I tell Will about Chase's problem? I can't Will would use it against him. When I don't finish what I am saying, Will sighs and looks away from me, his overconfident attitude is gone, "I get it, ok. I know, I abandoned you in your time of need. Left you here to better my career. But it wasn't all for me." he looks at his hands, "I thought that I was forcing you to cling to the past. I thought our relationship was tainted by the death of your brother. In my mind, it made sense for me to leave because I thought you would be able to get over your brother's death if I wasn't constantly there to remind you of the past. If I would have known that you were going to go from, my arms to Chase's then I would have never left. I mean he was more connected to your brother's death than I ever was."

As I listen to Will, I realize something strange. I believe him. There is something about the way he talks to me. It's a part of the old Will. I sigh and frown at him, "Will, things, things are different now." he laughs bitterly and avoids my gaze, "Yea, I noticed." he runs a hand through his wavy black hair. I watch him for a little while, confused about how one person could cause so much turmoil in my life, "I never wanted to hurt you." he whispers. He reaches out to touch my cheek, but I turn away, "Well you did. It's too late to change that." He drops his hand and doesn't reply, "You should probably go." I say, refusing to look at him.

The chair squeaks as he stands up, "Whatever Chase is going through, it's not going to end well for you." Will growls. I stand up, "what are you trying to say?" he shrugs, "Crazy is going to get crazier." I push will back, "Chase is not crazy." the venom in my voice hardly phases Will. He just smiles at me and walks away, whistling as he goes.

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