Chapter 15

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A few days after I returned from my vacation I went back to filming my movie. When I walk into the studio I am greeted with smiles and hugs from most of the production crew. Evan sees me and a huge grin breaks out across his face, "There's my little star." He pulls me into a tight hug, "How was your trip?" He asks me. I smile, remembering my shared time with Chase, "Amazing." Evan must see the dreamy look in my eyes because he laughs and throws his arm around my shoulders, "Oh, Samantha has a boyfriend." I laugh but before I can respond the door of the studio swings open and Will walks in. He looks as mischievous as ever, his eyes twinkle like he has some hidden secret, "Sorry I'm late. Maybe one day I can be as punctual as Samantha always is." He raises his eyebrows and makes a face at me. I can feel the air in the room crackle with tension. Everyone had seemed to realize that Will and I did not get along, at all. But they didn't know the history we shared. Instead of stalking away, I smile at Will and reply, "In your dreams Vogel." Will looks as shocked as the rest of the crew does, but he also looks incredibly pleased.

The rest of the day goes by like usual. Although everyone seems much more relaxed now that Will and I are on sort of friendly terms. Evan is pleased the most by this sudden change in the dynamic on set. I think that he has it in his head that WILL was the mysterious guy I hooked up with on the island. While the thought sickens me, I don't say anything to him.When we break for the day I walk outside the studio and sit on a bench in the sun, wanting to warm up a bit before getting in my car. The studio's air conditioning was always cranked on high to combat all of the lights, so I was always freezing. I missed being able to lie out in the sun all day. After we were done filming that was how I was going to spend my time. A few moments passed where I say quietly by myself, simply enjoying the warm weather and thinking about what I was going to do when I got home. Then the other side of the bench squeaks, signaling that someone else was sitting next to me.

I look up and smile slightly at Will, "I was wondering if you would come out here." he shrugs, "Didn't want you to be alone." I smile at him, "Well, that never stopped you before." he frowns, looking away from me out over the hills of Hollywood. In the distance the Hollywood sign gleams brightly, a beacon of hope for all aspiring actors and actresses. Or a reminder of my life and the secrets that I have kept, "That was because you hated me." I flinch. No matter what had happened to lead us to this moment, those words were like daggers. Why couldn't I just have forgiven Will? "I'm pretty sure our dislike for each other was mutual." I mutter. He looks back at me, sadly. He looks so tired, "At first yes. You reminded me of the selfish move I made, and I hated you for it, I hated the relationship and friendship I had lost when I left you. Then I wanted to become friends again, but you refused. You wouldn't even listen to me. And I guess that made me madder." He shrugs and looks down at his sandwich before wrapping it back up. Clearly he had lost his appetite. I stand up and walk away from Will, "Please don't push me away again Sam. I want to help yo get through this." Will pleads he gets up and follows me as I walk away from the studio, "How do I know that you won't hurt me again?" I demand, I turn back towards him, he is standing much closer to me than I had thought, "Because you mean to much to me." Before I could say anything Will closes the distance and crushes his lips to mine. It takes me a moment register what is happening, then I push him away and slap him as hard as I can, "What the hell do you think you are doing?" I shout, not caring if everyone in every studio around us hears He puts his hand to his cheek, pain flashes through his eyes, "What I thought was the right thing to do. I want you back Sam." he takes another step towards me, reaching out to me. I stumble backwards, "I'm with Chase now, how many times do I have to tell you that?"

The anger grows in his eyes, "Well I'm not listening because you belong with me! You were always supposed to be with me." I shake my head in disbelief, "What, did you think that I would wait around pining for you after you left? Do you think that I was another one of your fan girls who would refuse to give up on you even though you broke my heart?" Will tries to cut in, but I keep talking, "No, ok. I've had enough of this. You think your opinion is valuable to me but it's not! Your opinion stopped mattering to me the moment you left for New York." I can see tears glimmering in his eyes, but I don't care. I was just fine with being friends with Will again, but he had taken it too far, "What, so you trust Chase now? Even though he used to see right through you? He was embarrassed to talk to you in public Sam. Is that who you really want to be with?" I reach into my purse, searching frantically for my keys so I can get out of there and get away from him, "It's certainly better than being with someone who left when I needed him most. Chase has always been there. Can you say the same?" I close my hands around my keys and yank them out of my bag. Will tries to stop me but I push past him and stalk out to my car. Angry tears stream down my face. Why did I ever think that this could work out? Why couldn't will be happy with just being my friend? Then I realized, even through everything that had happened to us he had held onto some strange hope that I would come back to him. In his own way Will was still in love with me. I put the keys in the ignition and pull away from the studio, watching Will slowly disappear in my rear view mirror.

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