Chapter 12

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I wake up slowly. I'm not sure how long I had been sleeping, but the window next to Chase is shut, blocking out the rays of sunlight. I am still holding Chase's hand and my head is on his shoulder. Chase must be sleeping too because I can feel the weight of his head on mine. I smile, basking in the moment before I remember that we have a third wheel sitting next to us. I yawn and sit up, frowning when Chase wakes with a start. He blinks a few times, pushing the sleep away before looking down at me and smiling slightly. I smile back and squeeze his hand before I look at Will. He sits with a book in his lap. He reads the pages with a forrowed brow. I recognize the worn pages. He is reading "The Hobbit" which he always claimed was his favorite book. I remembered many summer nights when we would sit on my porch reading. He read "The Hobbit" and I read fashion magazines. He looks up at me, bringing me back from m reminiscing, "How long were we out?" I ask before he can comment on why I was watching him read. He glances at his watch, "Almost five hours, we are going to land soon." I nod and stifle a yawn before turning back to Chase.

He is pulling up the shade on the window next him. The sun highlights the tips of his hair and eyelashes, making him look like some sort of angel. I smile, "Did you sleep well?" he nods and replies, "As well as anyone can sleep on a plane." I laugh and look away, "But I'll let you in on a secret." He whispers into my ear, "What?" I ask, "When you are by my side I always sleep better." I blush and grin at him. Suddenly I can't fathom how I had questioned my relationship with him earlier. Chase and I can work this out, and if Will thinks we can't then that is his problem. The fasten seat belts sign blinks on, signaling that we will soon be landing. I buckle my seatbelt as Will closes his book with care, like he is afraid that the pages might break if his closes it too quickly. Maybe they will.

Twenty minutes later we are sitting on the Tarmac of LAX. I smile and look out the window. As much as I enjoyed our vacation, I am glad to be home. Now I can finish filming my movie and move onto other projects. I turn my phone on and check the message that my mom sent an hour ago, "So much for a grand welcome home." I mutter with amusement in my voice, "What do you mean?" Chase asks, "Oh my parents are going to a charity auction tonight. My mom said that I shouldn't wait up for them." I frown, "Typical." Chase takes my hand, "Well I know that you are probably terribly sick of me by now, but I can sacrifice a few hours so you aren't alone." I grin at him, "How chivalrous of you." The fasten seat belts light goes out, we are free to grab our stuff and get off the airplane. Will is already up and pulling his suitcase out of the overhead bin, "See you later Sam." He says. He nods at Chase and then disappears into the throng of people leaving the plane.

It takes us thirty minutes to get off the plane, get out bags from baggage claim, and find Chase's car. All the while I have to dodge the prying paparazzi that are there because of Will's frequent tweets. A few people ask me why I'm not with Will, but I ignore them and leave the airport with a flustered Chase. As soon as we are in his car he let's out a frustrated sigh, "How the hell do you handle those people so well? They are so annoying!" I laugh at Chase and put my sunglasses on, "Well I've been doing it for a while, it's all about control. Those people would absolutely love it if I had a mental breakdown and threw something at one of them. You can't give them the satisfaction. Unless you happen to enjoy being hounded by them like Will, then you egg them on as much as you can." I sigh and shake my head. Chase frowns, "And that is one of the many reasons why I will never understand him." I laugh and we pull out of the parking garage, "Oh I've missed you baby." Chase mutters as he pats the dashboard of his car, "Baby?" I ask, unable to hide my amusement, "Don't judge our relationship." He replied defensively. I throw my hands in the air in a gesture of defeat.

When we pull up to my house I smile and hop out of the car. I step inside and smell the familiar scent that lingers within each room, the scent that had clung to Chris's clothes. When I open my eyes Chase is standing next to me holding my suitcase, "Oh yeah, I forgot about that." I say with a laugh, "Where should I put it?" He asks, his eyebrows raise slightly, "Oh I can bring it up to my room." I say as I reach out to take it, but he keeps it out of my reach, "I can carry it." I laugh nervously, "Sorry, no boys allowed in my room." he looks at me, amusement in his eyes, "Sam. We've been sleeping in the same bed for the past week. I think we are past that." I shrug and game the suitcase from him, "Rules are rules." I climb the stares, hoping that I'm not blushing too deeply.

I walk back down the stares and frown slightly, Chase is no where in sight. I take a few hesitant steps away from the railing. A flicker of movement catches my eye, I turn towards my back door and Chase sitting on the edge of my pool, his feet are in the water. I smile and walk towards him, carefully shutting the door behind me before I join him. The water is warm against my bare legs, I contemplate going inside and putting my swim suit on. That's when Chase kisses me. I am taken a back by the fierceness of his kiss, but I don't protest, instead I turn towards him and tangle my fingers into his messy hair. He wraps his hands around my waist and we get so caught up in the moment that we don't even realize we are tipping towards the pool's edge until it is too late. I gasp as we hit the water. No, it is not that cold, but it is rather surprising when you aren't expecting it. I come out of the water sputtering and laughing. I'm still tangled with Chase, and he is equally surprised. But he pushes my wet hair out of my face and kisses me again. I grin against his lips. And become lost in his embrace. That is until someone says, "Samantha?"

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