Chapter 21

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When I woke up that next morning I felt more focused on my career than I had in a very long time. This premier was very important and would get me out in front of the eyes of the world, which meant I couldn't let my current personal issues get to me while in view of the paparazzi. I yawn and stretch my arms over my head before rolling over to check my phone. But as I pick it up I change my mind and set it face down on my nightstand. It would be better if I focused on only the premier until it is over. I climb out of bed and walk into my bathroom. My hair is still damp and part of it has dried into a weird kink on the side of my head, so I decide to be safe and take another shower. There is no garantee that I will be able to get that kink out on my own. After all I'm not famous for my hair styling skills.

After my shower I put on a tank top and a pair of Soffes and run downstairs to have some breakfast. While I am eating an apple my home phone starts to ring. I approach it warily. If Chase were to call me than he would call my cell phone, not the home phone. It's my mom. I sigh and answer it, "Hi mom." I can hear her sigh with relief on the other end. Was she afraid that I would ignore her and not answer? "Hi sweetheart, are you excited for your premier tonight?" I lean against the counter and gaze out across my pool at the view of the mountains in the distance, "Yeah mom, can't wait." "I'm so sorry I can't be there, but I did schedule you hair and makeup appointments, so don't leave the house today. I forgot what time they are coming over. Let me check my calendar--" she trails off and Incan hear her bag russling, "Don't worry mom, I wasn't planning on doing anything anyways today, so I'll just answer the door when they get here." "Ok good." there is an awkward pause before I ask, "So, um, how's your business trip?" "Oh good, it's great honey. Listen I have to go, important meeting to get to, you know?" I smile slightly, "Ok mom, tell dad hi." "Alright, bye. Have fun tonight, I love you." "Love you too mom."

I slowly place the phone back on the receiver. In some weird sort of way it is comforting to me that my mom took the time to schedule hair and makeup appointments for me. It was her way of showing that even though she was gone a lot, she still cared about me. I finish eating my apple and toss the core in the trash can, "What can I do for the rest of the day...?" I wonder aloud to myself. I sit down on the couch and flip through TV channels, but as expected nothing good is on. However I do come across one of my movies from the earlier years of my career. I laugh and turn the tv off. With nothing else to do I resort to my old standby and grab one of my magazines out of the stack on the table and begin to flip through the worn pages.

An unknown amount of time later a knock startles me out of the new People magazine that had just come in the mail. I hop up off the couch and go to the door. Outside two stylists wait with guarded expressions, "Oh come on in." I say with a friendly smile. They both step into my house looking rather shocked at the hospitality that I had shown them. I'm guessing they didn't often get much hospitality in this line of work, "I'm Margo and this is my associate Celia." I shake their hands and smile, "It's nice to meet both of you, I'm Samantha, but you can call me Sam. After our introduction they loosened up noticeably. They we actually both very funny and polite people. They probably didn't get much opportunity to talk while styling other clients either. I didn't understand how people could treat others so poorly simply because of social status.

A few hours later my hair and makeup was done. At Margo's insistence I had allowed them to stay while I got into my dress. They wanted to see how all their hard work had pulled together. I shut the door of my room and walk over to my bed where I had placed the box from Mike earlier. When I opened it my breath caught in my throat. It was a gorgeous dress. The color was a deep burgundy and it was embroidered with a cream colored thread. I slip into the dress. I falls to my feet at just the right hight once I put my heels on. I decend the stairs and smile as Margo and Celia clap in delight. They leave, wishing me luck at the premier, and as soon as their car disappears my limo comes into view. I grin. I haven't seen my driver, Edward, since my last event. He gets out of the car to open the door for me and smiles, "My my Samantha, every time I see you you are more beautiful than the last." I smile, "It's good to see you too Edward."

"So how have you been?" he asks as soon as we are both seated safely within the limo. I shrug and look away from his gaze. If there is anyone who can tell when I am lying it is Edward, "Oh I've been good. Or as good as you can be when you, loose your twin brother and find out you are adopted." Edward catches my eye in the rear view mirror, "I'm really sorry honey, you've been through so much." we pull onto the street and I watch as we pass by the other fancy houses in my neighborhood, "It's just been a lot. But I think I'm going to be ok." I smile and look back into the car, "It's funny, I never thought I would be able to say that, but for some reason I feel a lot better now than I have in a very long time." I can see Edwards eyes light up with a smile, "That's what I'm here for."

The limo pulls up the the curb outside of the Kodak Theater, "You are going to do fine honey." Edward says from the driver's seat. I nod but sit quietly in the back, focusing on the event at hand. All I have to do is smile and act carefree, that should be easy, right? The door of the limo opens, "Ms. Grey, they are ready for you." One of the event workers on the red carpet pokes his head in the door and smiles at me. I flash a brief smile before taking a deep breath and stepping out of the car and into the flashing cameras of the paparazzi.

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