Chapter 20

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I sit in my room holding my phone in my hands. I had just gotten home from the studio an hour ago and I was contemplating whether or not to call Chase. If he wanted to talk he would have called me, but not talking to him was worse than possibly being rejected by him, so I unlocked my phone and dialed his number. As I had feared, he didn't answer his phone, so after listening to his stereotypical voice mail, I left him a message, "Hey Chase, I know that you are probably ignoring me on purpose right now, and I guess I kind of expected that. But if you want to talk you can just call me, or come over or something. You know when I'm here, so please stop by." I pause for a brief second before I say quietly, "I miss you." Then I hang up and stare at the phone like I am expecting him to call back any second.

After a few minutes I set my phone on my bed and walk downstairs to find something to eat for dinner. As I'm rummaging through the refrigerator my doorbell rings. My heart skips a beat, did he get my message? I run to the door and open it carefully. Instead of Chase, Mike stands on the porch holding a box with a bow wrapped around it, "Hi Mike, I wasn't expecting you." I say apologetically, "Oh that's cool, I was just dropping this off." He replies motioning to the box. I give him a questioning look, "What is it?" he tips his head back and laughs, "Did you really forget? I mean I never really thought you were forgetful, but thats ok. I mean this is kind of a big deal." when I don't say anything he continues, "You have a premiere tomorrow. Wow, I thought that you would be all excited about this. Is everything okay? Usually you are the one reminding me about these kind of things." I blush and looks away, "Um you can come in if you want."

I lead Mike into the kitchen so I can close the refrigerator that I had left open in my hurry to get to the door, "Wow, we're you expecting someone else? Sorry to get your hopes up for nothing." Mike sets the box down on the counter and looks at me with the concerned eyes of a parent, "What's going on Sam?" I lean against the island and refuse to look at him, "It's nothing, just boy problems." Mike sighs, "Did Chase hurt you? Do I need to talk to him." I laugh nervously, "No it's fine. Please don't talk to him, he'll come around. He's just working some things out right now. Mike nods, "Can't say I can blame him. I know that I frustrated your mother far more than should be allowed in a healthy relationship." I smile slightly. As if they had a healthy relationship. They had had Chase and I when they were teenagers. How could that be healthy?

We stay there awkwardly in the silence for a few minutes until Mike clears his throat and stands up a little straighter, "Well I should probably get going. But good thing I came here and reminded you about the premier, you probably would have been a no show if I hadn't." I follow him to the door as I point out, "I also wouldn't have had a dress." He smiles at me and hugs me, "Limo will be here at six tomorrow, don't be late." As he steps out the door in reply, "I may be forgetful, but I am never late." He smiles and walks down the walkway. I guess that statement was now partially untrue, I had been late to set this morning. All this drama in my life was knocking me off my a-game.

After eating a quick dinner, I ran back upstairs to check my phone. No missed calls. I sigh and flop down on my bed and stare at the ceiling. I'm a hopeless case. Never before had I felt so desperate for a boy's attention before. Chase was everything I had ever wanted in a guy, but he had to stop beating himself up and feeling guilty all the time. I stare a the ceiling for a few moments longer before getting up and taking a long cold shower. The icy water helps me focus on the positives of my life. True, my boyfriend may be MIA at the moment, but I get to go to a premier for one of my highly anticipated movies tomorrow, that has to count for something, doesn't it? It then dawns on me that I don't have a hair or makeup stylist scheduled for tomorrow, and there is no way that I can find a credible one on such short notice, "Great." I mutter to myself as I wash conditioner from my hair. Now I'll have to do my own hair and makeup too.

A quick glance at my calendar after I get out of the shower tells me that I have the entire day off from filming tomorrow, so at least I will have plenty of time to get ready. How had I forgotten about something as big as this? Chase. That was how. While he was the most infuriating boy I had ever met, he was also the most amazing one. People who didn't know me would think that I was crazy for choosing Chase over Will. Will was this Hollywood superstar. He also happened to be every girls dream boyfriend. And people thought that we would be a perfect couple. To the public Chase was just a nobody, but they didn't no him like I did. Behind his party boy facade was this amazing guy that I wanted to spend every waking moment with. I turn off my bedroom light and curle up in my bed. I was determined that I would not loose Chase without fighting for him first.

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