Chapter 18

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Chase's punch took Tony by surprise and he stumbled backwards, putting his hand up to his nose which was gushing blood. Chase took this opportunity to put his four years of football to use and tackle Tony to the ground, "Dude, I'm sorry!" Tony shouted before Chase slammed his fist into his face again, Part of me wanted to sit back and watch while Chase gave Tony the ass kicking he deserved, but I knew he was also receiving the punishment that Chase had wanted to give to Will. By now a decent sized crowd of kids had crowded around to watch the fight. Some laugh and cheer Chase on while others stand mutely, just following where the rest of the crowd went, "Chase stop!" I shout, I rush forward and flinch when he throws another punch, "Chase that's enough!" I shout again. He doesn't seem to hear me.

The next time he pulls back his arm to throw another blow I grab his arm and attempt to pull him off of Tony, "Chase please." He relaxes his grip and let's go of Tony's shirt. Tony falls back against the grass, moaning and rolling from side to side in pain. Both of his eyes are swelling and his nose is crooked and pouring blood. He also has a nasty split lip. I feel sorry for him for a brief moment, then I remember what he had said before Chase beat him up and decide that he definitely deserved it. Looks like he won't be throwing or attending any parties in the near future. Chase looks at me, his eyes still a lite with anger, "We need to go." I say gently. He looks back at Tony who now has people crowding around him before rising to his feet and walking wearily towards his car. Amber follows us wordlessly. Here eyes full of fear and a touch of admiration.

We reach the door and Chase pauses to fish the keys out of his pocket. I notice him wince when he opens the door with he hand that he had repeatedly punched Tony with. After I climb into the car I turn to him, "Are you okay?" I ask. He doesn't reply to me, instead he turns back and looks at Amber, "Am I taking you back to your house?" She opens he mouth, but nothing comes out, "No, we can take her to my house and I can drive her home in the morning." I reply. Chase looks at me briefly then nods. When he puts the key in the ignition he winces again, "Are you sure you are okay? I can drive if you want me to." He lets out an impatient sigh then snaps, "I'm fine." Before putting the car into drive and making a u-turn in front of Tony's house. We drive back to my house in silence. I truffle to find words to say to Chase, but then I realize that he is still trying to calm down, so I leave him alone, when we pull up the my house Chase puts his car into park and sits motionlessly in the driver's seat, "You can come in." I say quickly, but he shakes his head slightly, still staring straight ahead with his hands clenched tightly around the steering wheel, "I should probably go home, my parents are probably worried." He mutters. Amber probably bought that lie, but I knew better, Chase could not go home for weeksasks they would be ok with it. I look back at Amber, "The door is unlocked, would you mind giving us a second?" She shakes he head, "Not at all." She stammers before quickly getting out of the car and rushing into my house.

"Chase." I start, but he cuts me off, "I don't want to talk about it Sam." He is still staring straight out of the windshield, refusing to meet my eyes, "Don't let what he said about us get to you Chase. You mean so much to me." I reach out to touch his shoulder, but he flinches away, "Don't, Sam." I look at him helplessly, "We both know that this goes beyond coping with Chris's death Chase. That has nothing to do with why we are together." Despite what I say, Chase refuses to look at me, "Just, just go inside." He replies flatly, "But Chase-" "Go!" I shrink away from him and open the door of his car, I can feel tears stinging in the corners of my eyes but I refuse to let them fall. We can work this out, "We'll talk tomorrow." I say quietly before I shut the door. As soon as it is shut Chase throws the car into reverse and tears out of my driveway, leaving me standing helplessly on my driveway.

After a moment I turn back to my house and see Amber watching through the window in the front room. I take a deep breath and wipe the tears out of my eyes, hoping that the darkness hides me. When I walk through the door Amber examines me with serious eyes, "What happened? Is everything okay?" I muster a fake smile, "Of course, Amber, everything is going to be fine. chase just needs some time to cool off, that's all." She watches me with an unsure expression, "Are you sure, because he seemed really mad to me." I smile for real this time, "Well he was mad, and trying to be a tough guy. But he has a lot he needs to work through I his mind. I mean he just beat up one of his best friends, so we just have to give him some space. He'll be ok eventually, "Chase must be really protective of you." She mutters, I can hear longing in her voice, like she wishes she had someone who would beat up guys on her behalf, "He's protective of you too." I say gently, "Really?" she perks up and I nod before asking, "What were you doing at that party anyways?"

Amber blushes and looks away from me, "Well, Tony told me that he thought I was really cute and he wanted to get to know me better. So we talked for a while then he told me about this party he was having. He said it would be really fun and that he would love it if I could come. So I went, and it was not nearly as fun as I thought it was going to be." I frown, "I doubt your parents are ok with this, where did you tell them you were going?" She blushes an even deeper shade of pink before replying, "I told them I was going to see a movie with you." She looks at me, tears welling in her eyes like she expects me to yell at her. However I am too tired to be very angry, so instead of getting mad I smile ruefully and say, "Well good thing I wasn't too busy making out with Chase to answer the phone." This earns me a relieved laugh from Amber.

I take Amber upstairs and get her settled in the guest bedroom, "We will leave here at eleven tomorrow morning to get you back home." I say as I'm heading out the door, "Sam?" I stop and turn back around, "What?" she smiles weakly from the bed that she is now sitting on, "Thanks again, you really saved me tonight." I smile and nod, "That's what big sisters are for." I reply before stepping into the hallway and shutting the door. I make it down the hall and into my room before the first of my tears start to fall, I don't even bother changing clothes before I climb into my bed and pull my covers up over my head. Despite my crying, my exhaustion wins of and before I know it I fall into a fitful sleep.

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