💙Demon Slayer - Rui x reader💙

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Here's a little note in case some things might make little to no sense in this one-shot.

(Y/n) is a half demon and she's met Muzan before since he is the reason her parents and entire village were killed one night. She was taken in by another family who didn't mind that she part demon but they were very overprotective of her. Due to her human counterpart she is able to walk in the sunlight and eat normal food. She is on the same power level as Muzan as her demon side is extremely powerful so she has no problem in defending herself.

I hope you enjoy! Now on to the one shot!

I apologize for any spelling errors I might've missed!


(Y/n) happily made her way towards the front door of her home, excited that she was finally being allowed to go outside and play in the snow. She walked around the village for a bit when she came across a few boys laughing and throwing snow at each other. As she watched more snow had started to fall and (y/n) was going to go join the other kids when she noticed a boy who seemed about her age also staring at the children playing. She watched the boy for a bit before deciding to go over and say hello. (Y/n) became concerned when he took a few steps and fell face first into the snow. She rushed to his side kneeling next to him and asked if he was alright, the boy simply flipped over and stared up at the sky before turning his attention to (y/n). They stared at each other for a moment before (y/n) spoke up and asked if he was going to lay there all day, before offering to help him up. After a few minutes he accepted her help and (y/n) helped him stand up.

" Do you want to play in the snow with me?" she asked.

" Oh, is that ok? I'm not supposed to be outside." he replied.

(Y/n) smiled, " Well then, we can go for a walk instead and I can take you back home. How does that sound? My name is (y/n) by the way."

" Sure I don't mind, I'm Rui, it's nice to meet you."

They walked around town chatting and getting to know each other a little better but their walk was cut short when Rui's mother came looking for him. ( Y/n) could tell that Rui was upset that he had to go back home but she assured him that if it was alright with his parents she would stop by to visit him. His mother seemed ok with this and told (y/n) she could stop by to visit Rui whenever she liked. She promised Rui that she would visit him tomorrow and said goodbye as they walked away.

The next day rolled around and (y/n) made her way over to where Rui lived, she had learned where his house was by asking around town. She decided to bring a basket of fruit to share with Rui and his parents as a gift. When she arrived his mother let her inside and told her where his room was before excusing herself to go make some tea. She made her way over to Rui's room and knocked on the door before entering. Rui was sitting up in his bed, he seemed rather lonely but when he saw (y/n) he cheered up instantly. She smiled and asked him how he was doing as she took a seat next to him. The two of them spent the rest of the day together, chatting, drinking tea and eating the fruit (y/n) had brought for them to share.

(Y/n) really liked spending time with Rui since he was actually her first friend and she understood what it was like to stay inside all alone without being able to go outside. She used to be sick and for a year she couldn't leave her room. She spent so much time with Rui that she eventually started to fall in love with her dear friend but she didn't want things to be awkward between the two of them if she confessed and he rejected her. So for the time being she was content with being his friend and staying by his side.

Then one day when she came to visit, Rui's mother told her that she couldn't see Rui. (Y/n) wondered why she didn't let her see him, she had promised that she would stop by to see him today and she was intent on keeping that promise. Later that night, (y/n) sneaked into the house and quietly made her way to Rui's room. She found his room and knocked on the door and quietly called his name. ( Y/n) was startled when the door to his room suddenly opened, she was surprised when she saw Rui. He looked different, his black hair was now a pale lilac, his skin was white with red dots, and the sclera of his eyes were red while the irises of his eyes were a pale blue. (Y/n) was shocked by the fact that Rui had become a demon and she had a vague idea of who had done this. Rui noticed her shocked look and asked if there was something wrong, (y/n) smiled before assuring that there was nothing wrong and that she was here to see him just like she had promised. In the days that followed, everything was normal just like it used to be, well aside that Rui was a demon now but other than that (y/n) continued to visit him at night. Since she was well aware that he couldn't be out in the sun otherwise he would die, although, there was something that was bothering her. She knew that demons ate humans in order to survive and gain strength so, how was Rui managing to find himself something to eat? She couldn't help but feel uneasy and that something was going to go horribly wrong sooner or later.

One night as she was making her way to Rui's home, the faint scent of blood reached her as she approached his home and only became stronger as she came closer. (Y/n) quickly rushed to Rui's room through the back of the house, she found Rui sitting outside looking into his room with a saddened look on his face. She made her way over to him to ask him what had happened and gasped when she saw his parents dead in his room.

" Rui, what happened?" she asked, sitting next to him and holding onto his kimono's sleeve.

Rui didn't say anything, he simply turned to her and clung to her, (y/n) was shocked but she embraced him trying to comfort him while he cried. Her hold on him tightened when she noticed Muzan approaching them, she glared at him giving him the clear sign that she wanted him to go away. She blamed him for what had happened and there was no way she was going to let him lie to Rui or twist his mind about what had transpired. After a few seconds of intensely staring at each other, (y/n) was relieved when Muzan turned to leave, she turned her attention back to Rui and told him that no matter what happened she would always stay by his side. The two of them stayed like that for awhile, (y/n) knew that Rui couldn't stay here so she decided to leave with him that night. But before she left she went to say goodbye to her parents who had taken her in and thank them for everything they had done for her, she did promise to come back and visit every once in a while. Her parents were sad but they were aware how much she cared about Rui so they wished her luck before they tearfully said goodbye.

Many years passed, (Y/n) and Rui now lived on Mount Natagumo. The two of them were very happy and (y/n) was glad she was able to help him before Muzan got to him otherwise who knows what he would be doing now. One day, the two of them were sitting together admiring the full moon that night. She really enjoyed doing this every night with Rui before the two of them went for a walk and spent time together before the sun came up. Although, this time around Rui had something he wanted to say to her. (Y/n) sat there listening to him tell her about how glad he was that they had met and how he was genuinely happy that she had stayed with him for so long especially after what happened.

" (Y/n), I wasn't sure when I could tell you this but I really love you, I have for a while but I didn't know if you felt the same way. But even if you don't feel the same way, will you still continue to stay by my side?"

She couldn't believe what she was hearing, she was really happy to hear that he felt the same way and she couldn't help but hug him and kiss his cheek.

" I love you too, Rui. I'll stay by your side no matter what happens."

After so long (y/n) had finally gotten what she wanted, she wanted to be more than just friends and now her wish had come true. She hoped that the two of them could live here together forever and no matter what happened she would do everything she could to protect the only important person she had left.


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