💜Kanato x reader - Diabolik Lovers💜

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(Y/n)'s always noticed him but he never seemed to take an interest in her, or so she thought, she fell in love with him the first time she saw him. Kanato Sakamaki, (y/n) had learned his name from one of her friends who had a class with him. He liked to be alone and talk to his teddy bear that he always had with him, (y/n) had wanted to talk and get to know him better but alas, she was hardly given the chance. Maybe it just wasn't meant to be but (y/n) never gave up hope that she would get to speak with him. (Y/n) didn't pay any mind to what her friend told her about him, she knew he would sometimes throw tantrums or be very demanding but that never bothered her.

Of course, there was another problem, her siblings would never allow her to be around Kanato. It was no secret that the Sakamaki and Mukami households didn't get along especially when Ruki and the others kidnapped Yui and brought her back to their home. (Y/n) hoped to somehow avoid letting anyone know about her feelings towards Kanato but it didn't take long for one of her siblings to notice her behavior. Azusa was curious why (y/n) would daze off during most of the day and why she seemed so sad most of the time now. One day while (y/n) was reading a book in her room Azusa stopped by her room to talk to her, she smiled and asked if he needed something. Azusa asked her if there was something bothering her as he noticed that she had been acting quite differently lately. (Y/n) became quiet, she sighed and closed her book. She wasn't sure if she could tell him that she had a crush on Kanato but she really needed someone to talk to so she decided to confide in her brother about why she seemed so sad and out of it lately. Azusa sat there listening to her and by the end of it (y/n) felt a little better but she wanted to know what he thought she should do. The room was silent which made (y/n) a little anxious about what her brother's thoughts were on her falling in love with a boy she never even talked to.

" If you really.....do feel that.....way towards him then......talk to him and get to.....know him before you rush things. I'll keep it a secret.......for now but you......have to tell the others..........at some point."

(Y/n) smiled and thanked her brother for listening to her and giving her a little advice on what to do, she knew that he was right, she would need to get to know Kanato first before rushing in to date him. Of course, there could be a chance that he wouldn't like her back or want her around him but (y/n) didn't want to worry about it now.

The next morning (y/n) arrived at school, she was hoping to get a chance to start a conversation with Kanato at some point during the day. But at some point she noticed that Kanato was not in any of their usual classes, (y/n) figured that he had decided to skip class this time around. During break she looked around school hoping to find him in his usual spots where he liked to spend his time eating candy and talking to Teddy. But she had no luck in finding him, she thought that he must've stayed home that day and decided to try again tomorrow. Break time was almost over so (y/n) made her way back to class. When she walked into the classroom (y/n) took notice of her classmates whispering and glancing at her as she walked by. She didn't pay it any mind and made it to her desk, that was when she saw a small letter on her desk along with a small bouquet of white roses. (Y/n) picked up the letter that read:

Dear (Y/n),

Please meet me at the Sakamaki mansion after school today.

I have a lovely surprise for you.

Please don't make me wait.

(Y/n) flipped the paper over hoping to find a signature but she didn't find one. The only thing at the back of the letter was a map of how to get to the mansion.

" Wow, you have a secret admirer (y/n)." said (y/n)'s close friend, as she looked over her shoulder to read the letter.

" Yeah maybe, but who could it be? Who ever it is they didn't sign." (y/n) replied.

" Well, maybe it's one of Kanato's brothers or maybe it's Kanato himself who's asking you to come meet him."

" You think so? I really hope it is Kanato and not one of his brother's."

" Well, you should go and find out." her friend said excitedly.

" I will then," (y/n) replied.

***Time Skip***

After school, (y/n) made her way over to the mansion. She walked to the front door and just as she was about to knock on the door it opened on its own. (Y/n) cautiously made her way inside but she wasn't sure where she was supposed to go, she wondered if this place had a rose garden since she had gotten rose's along with the letter. She went outside to look and with some luck she found it, there were many beautiful white roses just like the ones (y/n) had been given.

" What are you doing here?" someone suddenly asked.

(Y/n) turned around to see Subaru.

He looked pissed off which wasn't a good thing.

" I was asked to meet here by someone." (y/n) replied backing up a bit.

He looked at her and he suddenly appeared behind her ready to sink his fangs into her neck.

Terrified (y/n) closed her eyes.

" Get your hands off her. RIGHT NOW!" someone suddenly yelled.

Subaru immediately let go of her.

(Y/n) opened her eyes to see Kanato standing between herself and Subaru.

" It's her fault for being here when I'm in a bad mood," Subaru said obviously annoyed.

" I asked her to come, she's my guest so leave," Kanato responded.

It was silent for a few minutes.

" Fine," he said before he disappeared.

(Y/n) sighed with relief that she was safe now although the silence at the moment made her rather nervous.

" (Y/n)?" Kanato suddenly spoke as he turned to face you.

" Y-yes?" (y/n) answered nervously.

" Please follow me," he said as he began to walk deeper into the garden.

(Y/n) followed him wondering where he was taking her. Soon she saw that there was a table set with tea and many sweets. (Y/n) was really happy and excited inside but she was kind of nervous. Was this a date? Why did he ask me to come? she thought to herself. As (y/n) was thinking she didn't realize Kanato was staring at her.

" You're so cute when you space off, (y/n)." he said with a smile.

(Y/n) snapped out of her thoughts and blushed.

Kanato led her over to the table where they both sat down and started chatting. It was when Kanato confessed that he had wanted to be friends with her but he wasn't sure how to approach her, in the end he decided to invite her to mansion. He wasn't expecting her to come but she was glad that she had decided to accept his invitation. (Y/n) was glad she had come and enjoyed the rest of the time they spent together.

At the end of their tea party, Kanato walked her home and (y/n) was glad things worked out for her in the end. She had managed to talk to the boy she liked and now the two of them were going to slowly become friends. Although, she hoped that her brothers didn't try to stop her from seeing Kanato.

When they arrived at (y/n) home, she thanked Kanato for the wonderful evening and told him she would see him at school the next day. But before (y/n) went inside Kanato pulled her into a hug.

" I love you (y/n)," he confessed.

He pulled away and smiled at (y/n) who was completely shocked by his confession. Seconds later, (y/n) returned to her senses.

" I love you too." she replied, she gave him a quick kiss before going inside.

(Y/n) was overjoyed that Kanato actually liked her and couldn't help but smile the entire walk to her room. Although, when she entered her room her brothers were there waiting for her. (Y/n) knew she had to explain everything to them, of course, Azusa helped convince the rest of their siblings to let her date Kanato.


Hope you liked this chapter! I made sure to proof read it so I apologize if I missed any spelling mistakes.

Thank you for reading!

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