🖤 Angels of death - Zack x reader🖤

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**** Past****

" Get back here you little brats!" the shopkeeper yelled as he chased the two children.

" He's rather persistent isn't he?" (y/n) said as she ran.

" Just keep running," Zack told her.

They kept running until they heard a gunshot, (y/n) quickly glanced behind her only to find the man pointing his gun at them.

" Zack, we have to split up. I'll meet you back at our place."

The man fired once again just as (y/n) gave the signal for them to split up, she winced, the bullet managed to graze her arm.

She ignored it and continued to run, she wasn't expecting the man to come after her. She ran past a young couple and hid in an alley just ahead of them.

She waited.

A few minutes later she heard the shopkeeper ask the couple if they had seen a girl run through that street, the couple told him they had seen her and where they had seen her run off to. But it was in the opposite direction of where (y/n) was hiding. The shopkeeper thanked them and went off down the street.

" You can come out now."

(Y/n) heard the lady's voice, but she was hesitant to come out of her hiding place.

" I'm not going to hurt you, I promise."

(Y/n) left her hiding spot and approached her cautiously, she noticed she was alone and that boy who was with her was gone. Even so, (y/n) thanked the nice young lady who had helped her get away. She smiled and told her she was happy to have helped her. Her boyfriend returned a couple of minutes later with two bags that he handed to (y/n). Inside the bags were, food, water, and medical supplies.

They even gave her some money, (y/n) thanked them once again and left to meet up with Zack. (Y/n) carefully made her way out of town, she didn't want to encounter that scary man again. She was halfway there when out of nowhere Zack burst through the bushes.

" What took you so long? I thought something might have happened to you and I was on my way to find you."

(Y/N) smiled, " A nice couple I ran into helped me get away and they were nice enough to give me this." she explained before showing him the bags she was carrying.

He sighed and took one of the bags, " This is the last time we'll ever split up."

Then he grabbed her hand and led the way back to their hideout.

While they walked (y/n) couldn't help but smile to herself.

" Why are you smiling like that?" Zack asked when he turned to look at her.

" No reason, I'm just happy to be with you again," she replied.

He mumbled something and looked away.

Once they arrived at their hideout, Zack took care of her injury and made sure she wasn't hurt anywhere else. They ate some of the food and decided to call it a day.

" Hey, Zack? are you asleep?" (y/n) whispered.

" No, what is it?"

" Were you worried about me? When I didn't come back."

" Only a little," he replied.

(Y/n) smiled, before turning around and closing her eyes.

She was starting to drift off when she felt Zack wrap his arms around her, she turned over and looked up at him with a small smile on her face.

" Don't look at me like that, just go back to sleep."

She placed a small kiss on his lips before snuggling closer to him, leaving Zack a blushing mess.

******** Present **************

" And then after that, he finally realized he had feelings for me." (y/n) finally said.

" That's so cute! I didn't think Zack would willingly hug anyone let alone a girl he liked." Cathy said.

Rachel nodded.

( Y/n) giggled, " It's cute to watch him blush whenever I ask if we can cuddle."

" Relationship goals! " Cathy added.

" (Y/n), I just thought of something." Rachel suddenly spoke up.

(Y/n) smiled, " What is it?"

" If you throw yourself at Zack, will he catch you or just let you fall?

It was silent for a few minutes.

Cathy looked over at her cameras. " Oh, now I'm curious about that too. Let's find out, after all, he's on his way over to my room as we speak."

A few minutes later, Zack burst into Cathy's room, (y/n) of course, decided to see if Zack would catch her or let her fall.  ( Y/n) literally threw herself at him.

Of course, Zack dropped his scythe and caught her.

" What the hell are you doing? "

Cathy was the first to say something, " That's so cute!"

Rachel just gave a thumbs up.

" What is going on?" Zack asked.

(Y/n) smiled, " Nothing, let's just go back to our floor."

They left Cathy's floor and made their way back down to B6, (y/n) was happily walking beside Zack.

" Zack,"

" What is it?" he asked.

She smiled, " I love you."

He blushed and looked away.

" Yeah, I love you too."

~~ End~~

Hope you enjoyed! I apologize for any spelling errors I might've missed!

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