🖤Angels of Death - Eddie x reader🖤

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(Y/n) sat alone in her room coughing up blood and flower petals, she had been dealing with this for a few days now. It made it hard for her to breathe when she had episodes like this, her lungs and throat were in so much pain. She had no clue what was causing this in the first place and she wanted it to go away.

Why was this happening?

(Y/n) was trying to think of what could have caused this but she couldn't think of anything that could have triggered this.

Maybe my dad has an answer to what's wrong with me, she thought to herself.

She cleaned herself up and put on a change of clothes, she decided to clean the mess she had made later on when she returned. The only thing that put her in a good mood after one of her episodes was when she passed through Eddie's floor, whom she's had a crush on ever since the two of them met a few months ago. But he only saw her as a friend, nothing more and nothing less. It made her sad that her feelings were one-sided but even so her feelings towards him were not going to change any time soon.

" (Y/n)! It's so good to see you, I was wondering when you'd come to visit me again!" Eddie said as he gave her a hug.

(Y/n) giggled and returned the hug, " It's nice to see you too Eddie. I was planning on stopping by to see you earlier today but I wasn't feeling well."

He let go and looked at her with a worried expression, " What's wrong? Are you sick? Can I help?"

She smiled, " I'm fine now but I was going to ask my dad for some medicine, in case I start feeling sick again."

They talked for a long while before (y/n) left and made her way down to her father's floor, it didn't matter how many times she went down there the feeling of uneasiness always followed her.  (Y/n) found her father and mother together in his office, he was trying to get some work done. While her mother was next to him trying to get his attention.

(Y/n) giggled as she stood by the doorway which caught her mothers attention.

" (Y/n), my adorable little princess!" she said as she made her way over to her.

Cathy scooped her up and smiled at her.

" Hi, mom, I wasn't expecting to see you here. Did you come to talk to dad too?"

" Actually, she came here because she wanted to to bother me like she always does" Danny said turning his chair to face them with a smile on his face.

" You know that's not true, I just wanted to spend some time with you," Cathy whined.

(Y/n) smiled and settled next to her mother once she was placed down.

" Now what exactly did you want to talk to me about?" Danny asked.

" Is there something wrong? Something bothering you?" Cathy chimed in.

(Y/n) was in the middle of beginning to explain what was going on when she felt the urge to cough, she wanted to resist the urge to do so at least until she was done telling her parents what was going on. But in the end she couldn't stop herself from having another episode, she couldn't help but tar up as she coughed up more blood and flower petals. It hurt a lot more than before and she coughed up a lot more blood than she usually did which was not a good sign. It was too much to handle and she started to lose consciousness, the last thing she heard before she blacked out was her parents worried cries.

After a few hours of sleep (y/n) finally woke up. She looked around the room, only to realize she was on her mother's floor.

" Are you feeling better?" Cathy asked as she walked into the room.

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