🖤Tbhk - Tsukasa Yugi x reader🖤

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(Yn) sighed as she sat next to her sister, Sakura in the broadcasting room, she was glad to have a break after everything that had been happening this entire week. She had broken up with her boyfriend a month ago and he didn't take it that well, to say that he was mad was an understatement. He made (y/n)'s life very uncomfortable, he followed her around school while she was with her friends, even followed her home, and even had his friends follow her around outside of school. He was convinced that she had found someone new and he didn't want her to be with anyone else, he wanted another chance with her and he wasn't going to take no for an answer. But today she managed to get away from him and his friends in order for her to come to the broadcasting club. She tried to tell a teacher but that didn't really do anything as her boyfriend seemed to have an excuse for everything. Now, she was glad to have her sister to talk to, although, Sakura did tell her she could ask Tsukasa to do something about it. Of course, (y/n) declined the offer because she knew that Tsukasa  was probably going to something extreme. 

" Speaking of Tsukasa, where is he? I haven't seen him at all today."

" He said he had something important to do, if you ask me I actually like how quiet it is without him."

(Y/n) spent the rest of her after school time at the broadcasting club with her sister before the two of them went home for the day. She did wonder where Tsukasa had run off to since she was really hoping to see him today, since she had something important that she wanted to tell him.  When she first met Tsukasa she didn't really like him but over time the two actually became very good friends and often caused trouble together. (Y/n) would spend her break talking to Tsukasa for a while while he listened to her with a smile on his face. It wasn't until she broke up with her boyfriend that she realized how she really felt towards Tsukasa after spending some more time with him. She always thought of him as a good friend but now she knew that she had developed romantic feelings towards him and she had been planning on telling him today. She was nervous about confessing since she wasn't sure if he felt the same way but still she decided to tell him anyways.

The next day, while she was making her way to school with her sister she knew she was going to have another difficult day with her ex and his friends stalking her. 

But that didn't happen.

Instead all of her ex's friends didn't bother her or even looked in her direction, they stayed away from her the entire time she was at school. As for her ex he was nowhere to be seen, he wasn't stalking her anymore which (y/n) was happy about and couldn't wait to tell Tsukasa about how great her day was so far. Speaking of Tsukasa, (y/n) finally saw him during her lunch break and he seemed a lot more cheerful than usual. The two of them went to the roof to sit down and chat before (y/n) had to go back to class, during their chat (y/n) brought up the fact that her ex and his friends had finally stopped stalking her. 

" I can finally relax and not have to look behind me whenever I go somewhere. Although, I wonder what made them stop" she said.

Tsukasa smiled, " Oh, that's easy! I had some spirits scare them and tell them to leave you alone, your ex's friends had it much easier. I can't say the same for him."

(Y/n) stared at him wondering what he meant, that was when Tsukasa floated away from her and went over to the edge of the roof that faced behind the school. (Y/n) followed him before she stood behind him as he looked down at something, she followed his gaze and gasped at what she saw. There on the ground partially hidden by a few bushes was the body of her ex boyfriend, there was a pool of blood that had formed under him from what (y/n) could see. She turned to look at Tsukasa who merely smiled at her, she sighed knowing full well he was going to do something like this eventually. She asked him why he had killed him and his answer surprised her.

" Why? I can't let him bother the girl I love!" he confessed.

(Y/n) went bright red, aside from being at the loss of words she was shocked that he felt the same way. Although, she didn't think he would actually confess to her first. Tsukasa hovered around her asking (y/n) if she loved him too, it took her a bit but she finally told him that she did love him as well. He was really happy with her answer and he gave her a hug, she smiled and returned the hug.

She made sure to make him promise her that he wasn't going to kill anyone else.

" Aww, so I can't kill anyone that bothers you either?"

" No, now let's go and spend more time together before I have to go to class." (y/n) said before leading Tsukasa back to their usual spot.

During the rest of the week, (y/n) and Tsukasa were very affectionate towards each other and made it clear that they were a couple. Sakura was happy for her sister but she still couldn't understand what she saw in Tsukasa, either way she was glad her sister had found someone who truly loved her.

~~ End~~

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