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(Sorta self harm warning/headbanging second warning not intentionally)
"It's been two days NOW I know that they're better than me!"



It's Wednesday, September 19 6:00 am and Kastuki is currently talking to himself in a mirror.

"How the hell did I let this happen! Now I'll have to work twice as hard to catch up with the shitty extras."

You must be thinking 'What's with the sudden aggressiveness he's been unusually fragile since getting out of the hospital' Katsuki has came to the conclusion that he should start acting like his normal self that everything would go back to how it used to be. He felt paranoid a lot around his classmates they 'Know' they are stronger than him and could hurt him. Katsuki shakes his head from the negative feeling and firstly focuses on his appearance he used to be more buff but now it sorta looked like he was starving himself. 'I should start training on my own since they won't let me he thought was a good idea so he went with it. After a while, he went to his bed and sat on his phone scrolling through his friend's Instagram to see what he had missed over the past year a lot.


"HEY BAKUBRO!!" Kirishima called from outside his door, Katsuki jolted awake from the sudden shouting outside his dorm.  "I'm up shitty hair shut up already!!" Katsuki said frustratedly Rubbing his face. "Your about to be late if you don't hurry!" Kirishima said before walking off. "Shit.." bakugo said before picking up his phone and seeing it at 8:20 am. 'How the fuck did I fall asleep!' Bakugo stood up quickly and fumbled through his drawer trying to find his uniform that wasn't washed. 5 minutes later he found it. He ran his fingers through his hair having a low effort to try and fix it he grabbed his almost dead phone off the charger as well as his backpack.

Yes, indeed he was late a couple of minutes no biggy, right? He then opened the classroom door looking like he got knocked out of the wind. "Why are you late and what happened to your hair-" Mr.Aizawa said quite surprised. "Nothing I overslept." He said as he walked to his desk. "Alright..let's continue." Slowly but surely caught up with his class at least in academies he was ok some of his classmates offered to tutor him but he declined not wanting to seem weak.


"Kacchan!!" The greenette yelled from his table while Bakugo ignored him. "Hey, bakugo midobro is calling you," Kirishima said while nudging bakugos shoulder over and over. "Stop it shitty hair!" Bakugo said getting annoyed with the repeated action. Eventually, Deku ended up walking over to the bakusquad lunch table. "Hey, kacchan wanna train with me and all might after school?" He asked cheerfully Katsuki didn't respond right away while he was thinking of the benefits "whatever nerd" he grumbled while Deku skipped back to his table happy.


"Oh come on!" Kastuki whispered under his breath while the class rep shushed him. They were in the middle of an important test while Katsuki was trying to contact his mother who had basically been ignoring him. Getting frustrating Bakugo banged his head against his desk 3 times with the last one being much harder than the rest, "bakugo.." Iida said leading his attention away from his test. "What the fuck do you want four-eyes!" Bakugo whisper shouted, "could you please stop there's a bruise forming on your forehead I'll excuse you from the test if you need a break.." Iida said worriedly.

"I don't need your pity I'm fine!" Bakugo shouted this time catching the attention of his classmates as well as his teacher. "Bakugo keep it down or I'll only give your half-credit," Aizawa said unfazed. Bakugo did his signature tch and looked down at his paper. Suddenly the bells rings getting bakugo out of his wonderland. He panicked looking down at his not touched test 'did I fucking daydream that whole time..'. He stood up and left to his dorm to get himself situated.


'Why am I even trying to be a hero'

'I'm completely useless at this point everyone is stronger than me!'

'I'm so fucking pathetic..'


Bakugo realized that he was gripping his wrist tightly while he dug his fingernails into his skin causing him to bleed. "Shit.." bakugo said as he grabbed a cloth to soak up the blood dripping from his arms and wrapped it up. He picked up his phone checking the time remembering that he was supposed to train with all might and Deku. he got changed and practically ran out of the dorms once he reached the area all might and Deku were training he stopped to catch his breath. "S-sorry..I'm late.." he said in between breaths.

"It's fine we were just getting started anything!"  Deku said while a smile as usual "we should start slow knowing you haven't trained in a-" he started before getting interrupted "don't look down on me nerd!" Bakugo said with his usual pride. "Right then let's have you both do a head-on battle!" All might said easing the air. They both got into their ready positions while all might observed. Bakugo with his usual smirk he didn't seem as strong as he used to. Midoriya looking way stronger than bakugo, did he.. grow a couple of inches? "On your mark..get set...
go!" As bakugo ran towards Deku head on the same black capture weapon that came from Deku.

Explosions came from a bakugo but they are smaller than what he used to set off. Bakugo dodged the first act running deeper into the woods to get a good distance to attack. A whistling noise was heard from somewhere but bakugo was just excited from all the adrenaline. Once he turns his head he sees a shadow figure from afar "d-da-" he says before feeling something tighten around his body, his anxiety was skyrocketing and that's when panic set in he Immediately passed out.  "KACCHAN-"


1015 words

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