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Is all how bakugo could describe the situation. His brain was basically exploding with thoughts, there was screaming crying worry. Once the sirens were heard  all he thought at the moment 'run', so what did Bakugo do? He obeyed, he shoved through the crowd off concerned people to the hallways. "B-Bakugo where are you going!?" Kirishima said walking from the kitchen. Once again bakugo looked at his blood covered hands and back up at Kirishima with his face filled with fear. Bakugos ignored Kirishima and continued walking. "Baku..." Kirishima said with a worrisome tone.

"HE'S DEAD HE'S DEAD!!" you could hear someone yell from the kitchen.


Now officially the panick set in as bakugo locked his dorm door. 'Shit shit shit!' Bakugo got an empty bag and began packing it with important items he might need. He then picked up a family portion of what was 'once' together now shattered. There were loud footsteps coming down the hallway getting louder by second. Bakugo shoved the frame into his bag and hurried and opened the balcony door.

His dorm door was suddenly bursted open revealed two police men with flashlights. One noticed the balcony door open and stepped out "damnit.." they said before stepping out closed the balcony door. Bakugo was hanging for his dear life before dropping 3 stories and quickly recovering before running into the the partly empty area of the city, seeing the red and blue flashing lights only made him panick more. 'I really fucked up..'


Kirishima paced back and forth in the common not waiting for the news on monoma who's been admitted into the hospital but someone who went missing. "Kirishima just sit for a minute.." mina said trying to tame her friend "why should I?" Kirishima snapped "hey dont catch a attitude with me just because bakugo ran away!" Mina said in her defense "MAYBE HE WOULDN'T HAVE RAN IF YOU IDIOTS DIDN'T CALL 911!" Kirishima yelled uncharacteristically causing the room to go quite.

"Kirishima." Aizawa said laying a hand on his shoulder, "I understand your worried about bakugo but I ensure you theres nothing to worry about." Aizawa said while slipping on a jacket "where..are you going exactly?" Yaoyurzu said "to the police station, Class 1-B back to your dorms don't leave this building or there will be consequences." He said as he left the building with the few police men.


"S-so c-cold.." bakugo said as he shivered walking down the empty streets. His belly growling distracted him from his thoughts. He looked around and saw a very small shop decided to get something small so he doesn't die..at least not now. Bakugo walked into the shop seeing a old man behind the counter playing some 80s music, he walked down one of the two isles seeing some potato chips he reached into his bag and pulled out his wallet. Only pulling out 150 yen 'this isn't enough..' he looked over at the other option and spotted a can of sardines? Which the only item that was  within his budget.

Walking out of the convenient store he opened the can and quickly covered his noise from the horrific smell. He then felt something Rubbing against his ankles looking down and jumping slightly noticing it was a cat. He bent down and pet "hey little guy..what are you doing out here? Alone.." The cat then began smelling the can a fish "oh you must be hungry." Bakugo sat the can down on the ground not really having the appetite.

Weirdly that one cat than turned in 5 wait no.. 6. One of them were particular weird it had yellow eyes and it pupil's. Bakugo then slid down beside a building letting his eyelids drop feeling satisfied of doing something actually good for once. As his vision blacked out he saw a bit of light before letting sleep consume him or passing out from the lack of food nor energy.


*knock knock*

"Come in" Shigaraki sighed

Twice and Toga stepped into his office. Shigaraki looked up confused "well?"

"We..couldn't get him.." Toga said

Shigaraki gritted his teeth and gripped the pen in his hand tighter.

"And why is that?" Shigaraki said obviously annoyed

"Some police took him before toga could act on it!" Twice said

"Look you have till tomorrow afternoon to get him or else take Dabi with you." Shigaraki said finally

"Yes sir!" Twice and toga said in unison


A few taps were felt on bakugos face as his eyes flutter open. "Sir please come with me." a lady said waiting for him to stand up 'where am I..' bakugo thought as he stood up from some sorta of mattresses. When his visions cleared up he saw bars 'they-' "sir." The lady said getting unpatient Bakugo nodded getting lead to a room with no windows and being handcuffed to a table.

"They'll be here shortly to question you." The lady said before walking out and closing the door "wait-" bakugo said as his  breathing began to labored. He hated being chained up because of his PTSD especially anything right around his wrist. He calmed himself down successfully before having a panic attack and focused his thoughts on something other than being tied up.

Minutes later the door finally opened multiply feet. Bakugo didn't bother to lift his head, "ahem" someone said but bakugo didn't move "bakugo" a familiar voice called out actually reaching to bakugo he lifted his face. "S-sensei.." bakugo said but one of the officers interrupted. "Please dont speak unless said so this will be used against you in court" bakugo lip began to tremble at the sight if his teacher his look disappointed and pitiful. "On behave of neito monoma who is currently hospitalized he has charged you for carrying a concealed weapon and for assault." The officer said while flipping through papers. "He has told us his side of the situation as well as some victims."

"Would you like to tell us your side?"the officer continued Bakugo hung his head low while silent tears fell he want to say something but something was stopping him. "If you do not speak now you can get into lots of trouble kid." The two police men grew unpatient "FOR GOD FUCKING SAKE-" one of them banged on the table when a sob escaped bakugos mouth. Aizawa lifted his hand stopping the police me  "let me speak to him alone" ajzawa requested and they accepted knowing that everything would still be recorded.


"Bakugo." Aizawa called

Aizawa sighed knowing he wasn't probably gonna get anywhere "bakugo please.." aizawa said showing his soft side "just look at me." Bakugo then looked up showing his snot and tear filled face Akzawa couldn't help but frown "look.. I know you messed up but I have too actually" he started off "All there asking is for you to speak talk to me if you'd like I'm here to listen" aizawa said with a sad smile. Bakugo just cried more barley getting out a word "m' can't..." he said finally Aizawa lifted his eyebrows from the sudden non verbal kid.

"Let's try tomorrow k?" Aizawa said with bakugo nodding in response.


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𝘐𝘵𝘴 𝘫𝘶𝘴𝘵 𝘢 𝘱𝘩𝘢𝘴𝘦 ☁︎ | bakugo agereWhere stories live. Discover now