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(I think I'll keep my focus on this book for a bit because I'm running out of ideas if you have ideas please comment So I can add on!)




Katsuki woke up Feeling absolutely disgusting. He was confused at first by the silence but then realized he had some type of earmuffs on. Looking over at the machine he saw a red light constantly blinking as well as the half-empty bag of some mysterious liquid. "Please.." Katsuki pleaded in a croaking voice not knowing why, he then came up with the idea of pulling the tube out. Cringing at the thought of putting it in it would probably be as painless. Katsuki concluded yanking it out a quick and easy process. Counting to 5 mentally he quickly removed the tube from him yelping in pain.

While recovering from the shock of pain he felt a hand on his. Opening his teary eyes Dabi with an emotionless expression. "Why the hell did you take it out," Dabi said with a small hint of irritation, he lifted Katsukis head to see if any damage was done before letting go." your lucky she hasn't left yet," Dabi said as he left the room slamming the door behind him. Katsuki trembled lightly getting the memory from his mother.


"Alright, I'm done!" The lady said putting everything back into her bag once again "you shouldn't pull out the tube, especially like that kiddo" the lady said with a small frown "Alright I'll be on my way!" She said waving at the members before closing the door behind her. Dabi sighed standing up from his seat and putting his phone away "Shigaraki said he needed us for a mission" Dabi said to Mr.compress them being the only two in the room besides katsuki.

"Who will watch Katsuki then?" Mr.compress said in a worrisome voice. "We'll just have kurogiri watch him in meantime," Dabi said not completely sure. Mr.compress walked over to the dazed blond and rubbed his head. "We'll be back kiddo be good for us," Mr.compress said while katsuki had a small smirk appear not aware. Dabi had a small frown looking at how Mr. Compress treated katsuki."let's go." Dabi said in a serious tone.

{2 Days Later}

Katsuki has been in and out of consciousness still strapped to the bed, Dabi or none of the lov members have entered the room. Kurogiri has been taking care of him changing his feeding bag here and there. He's been able to keep a normal headspace, slowly losing hope 'they don't want me anymore' 'I've messed up..' tears began streaming down his face without noticing. Just as Katsuki shut his eyes, the sound of the door opening made him lift his head seeing Dabi and toga something rose in katsuki. "D...da da.." Katsuki said catching the two off guard. Dabi had a light smile before unstrapping the blond and sitting him on his lap.

"Sorry daddy has been away he had work to do, "dabi said while moving hair out of Katsukis face he definitely needed a haircut. Katsuki did indeed notice some out-of-place minor burns on Dabi as well as toga. "Ba!" Katsuki said before cuddling into Dabis neck. "O.M.G he's so small! I'm jealous!!" Toga said admiring the blond. Katsuki felt his head getting fuzzier by the second unaware of his surroundings.

The machine that was connected to katsukis tube started to beep meaning that it was now empty. "I think we should be able to feed him solids in this state could you cut off the machine?" Dabi said toga nodded and turned the machine off. "Ok, bub I'm gonna take the tube out don't move for me ok?" Dabi said as if katsuki could hear him. As Dabi slowly pulled the tube out Katsuki began to get fussy as tears formed, once the tube was almost out katsuki started balling his eyes out. "Sh sh it's okay," Dabi said trying to finish taking it out. Once he got the tube put he quickly stood up and began bouncing katsuki to only scream and cry louder.

"T-toga what am I supposed to do!" Dabi said sorta panicking. "Try rocking him and give him a pacifier"toga suggests, Dabi walked over to a nearby drawer and grabbed a black pacifier stick it in Katsukis mouth as he began to rock Katsuki calmed down quickly. While Dabi baby talked Katsuki Toga watched peacefully "you're a good dad you know?" toga said being serious for once. "Mmmm...not really without your help he probably would still be crying," Dabi said doubting himself."I'm sure you could've handled it!" Toga said smiling.

"Anyways could you watch kat for a second I gotta make him a bottle." Dabi said as he sat Katsuki on the bed "sure!" Toga accepted excitedly, Dabi walked out of the door shutting it which made Katsuki snap back to his senses. Toga pulled out a stuffed animal and began to play with katsuki "look kat do you like it?" Toga said playing with bear showing katsuki 'what the fuck is wrong with this chick? Why are they babying me' katsuki said but not showing a facial expression. He looked around the room for once he finally saw the door had been unlocked. 'I CAN FINALLY ESCAPE THIS SHIT HOLE' toga then once again shoved the bear into his view. Katsuki then realized toga had weapons on her he had to get get some way to distract them.

"Come on you don't wanna play," toga said play pouting. Katsuki then furried his eyebrows before taking out his pacifier and throwing it at toga "ow- hey!" At that moment Katsuki quickly took a knife from toga ran to the door opened it and sprinted down the mysterious halls. "Shit! Shit! Dabis gonna kill me!" Toga quickly followed behind the blond trying to grab hold of him. Katsuki felt relieved he finally had a chance to escape before he ended up hitting something and falling.

"Agh!" Katsuki said opening his eyes "what the fuc-" dabi said as the bottle fell out of his hand onto the floor. Katsukis eyes widen as he quickly recovered before sprinting off again." sorry Dabi he suddenly took off I swear It wasn't my fault!" Dabi growled frustratedly before running after Katsuki.


1060 words

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