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A/N: Apologizes this chapter isn't much next chapter it'll be betterrr
He had woken up with a groan and pounding headache as if he had gotten drunk the night before.
Katsuki looked over towards the clock to see the time.

It was currently 6:09 am he could hear moving around inside the home he was too embarrassed to leave the room before spotting someone poke their head inside.

It was Aizawa as soon as he saw the blond awake he entered, "why bud you okay?" the black-haired man sat on the edge of the bed. Katsuki nodded.

"We've been talking and we don't wanna let you get any more behind than you already are... Do you think you'd be up for starting class again today" Katsuki shoot up from the bed eagerly,

"YEA!" he said before quickly recoiling back due to the pain in his head.

"Tylenol?"Aizawa offered the blond nodded making the man chuckle.


Katsuki was practically jumping with excitement, Maybe he was a little too happy, He felt as if he had forgotten something...

He threw on his school uniform that he grabbed from his dorm just in case. Gaining weight was gonna be a pain in the ass for sure.

He then headed out of the guest room and downstairs, the smell of bacon hitting his nose midway down the stairs.

Walking into the kitchen there were Eri, Shinsho, and Yamada.

"Oh, morning kiddo!" Yamada chuckled awkwardly. That's when it hit Katsuki the events from yesterday night he was truly embarrassed.

Getting closer to the male he made eye contact." I'm so sorry about yesterday..".

Yamada quickly reassured the blond that everything was okay, "you don't have to apologize, kid, you just gave everyone a scare."

Somehow he felt worse than before.

"Ya hungry?" His teacher offered breakfast which Katsuki gratefully accepted. Soon enough everyone was downstairs eating breakfast.

He got multiple glances throughout the short time, he assumed most were filled with pity.

Eventually everyone was in a car heading to school, and Katsuki slowly got accustomed to their routine. They would take turns dropping off eri at daycare.

So currently Katsuki was in the car with Aizawa and Shinsho. He sat in the middle second row as everyone was in front. He felt awkward as it is but he tried to shake it off.

They Arrived at UA earlier than what Katsuki was used to but he assumed it was normal for UA teachers.

Once they got into the main building Shinsho parted heading somewhere unknown.

Anxiety was practically radiating off his skin before he felt a hand on his shoulder, "how about you sit in the lounge with me until class starts?" Aizawa suggested

He huffed in relief and followed his teacher to the lounge. Once they arrived at the door you hear the chaos awakening inside.

"Good lord.." Aizawa sighed heavily preparing himself with his hand on the doorknob.

Right as he opened the door he heard midnight cursing at toshinori.

Aizawa does know what happened but he doesn't care...

He yelled activating his powers and standing in front of Katsuki giving the teachers a lecture on their behavior. Both teachers apologized before continuing their tasks.

Aizawa slumped down on a sofa groaning "you can sit kid don't worry" he chuckled.

To spend someone time Katsuki decided to write in. The notebook he was gifted. Some pages were filled with 'poems' but mainly intrusive or unwanted thoughts

Most were about Dabi and the Lov, he wanted to see them but he couldn't just tell anyone that, they'd think he was insane

No one I repeat No one can see this book...

Just as he filled another page Aizawa told him it was time to head to class. He followed closely behind his Teacher, time seemed to slow down; being so anxious made his hands sweat and moist at touch his surroundings seemed brighter in color than usual giving off the effect as if he smoke some Zaza (weed) ;')

He hadn't realized or seen once they arrived at the classroom, just hearing his name being called from a distance which was up close.

"Kat buddy are you here with me??" Aizawa furred his eyebrow as ran his hand through his student's hair as a calming technique.

Katsuki took a deep breath and recognized his surroundings. "Sorry". Aizawa shook his head.

"You sure you'll be able to make it through class?" Katsuki nodded without question.

Upon entering Katsuki purposely ignored any extreme reactions and repressed his feelings.

"Right attendance.."

" Midoriya?"

"H-Here sensei!"

There was whispering within the class at a noticeable volume which made Aizawa shush them.

The class went on like usual, At least for everyone but Katsuki. He had multiple eyes on him throughout his first 3 classes before the bell rang for lunch.

He slung his backpack over his shoulder getting ready to set off before feeling a hand on his shoulder.
"Bakubro?" He turned around and meet a yellow pair of eyes.

"What?" He said bluntly before his hands were wrapped around him. He struggled in the blond's hold uncomfortable.

"Get the hell off me!" Katsuki got a glimpse of Aizawa's stare before he disappeared.

"Bakugo we missed you so much!" Mina said hugging him from behind, Sero snicking beside them.

Kirishima waved his hands trying to ward off the top of Katsuki to give him some space. The Bakusquad was back together.

But not quite, Katsuki looked around as students filed out of the class. There, he saw jirou who made contact before leaving swiftly.

"We should probably go before the lines get too long!" Kirishima said cheerily, Mina had a geniue smile with furries eyebrows. Kirishima is finally letting loose now that Kastuki is back.


Entering the Cafeteria felt strange... Katsuki would get fresh looks from people and they would purposely distance themselves when walking by.

This did no good but spike his Anxiety. They all got in line to get their lunch. Katsuki noticed that Jirou was in front of him.

"Ear jacks?" He tried bugging her all he got was a nervous look as she quickly got her lunch and scattered. Katsuki knew something was definitely wrong now.

He followed behind his friends after collecting lunch navigating towards the table before he knocked into someone almost dropping.

"I'm sorry-" he started while composing himself "bakugo?" He looked up it was the ginger-haired girl from Class 2-B

"I haven't seen you since the incident what happened? I heard monoma dropped the charges.."

Bakugo began to zone out 'the incident'

How could he forget?

The thing that almost ended his career because of a goddamn flashback.

That was when he saw the wide-eyed boy behind the girl frozen in place.

1124 words

𝘐𝘵𝘴 𝘫𝘶𝘴𝘵 𝘢 𝘱𝘩𝘢𝘴𝘦 ☁︎ | bakugo agereWhere stories live. Discover now